Walmart Cashiers & CSM's Vs. Couponers 2016

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I think this is probably the first time I’ve posted a video where a cashier or CSM has really made me call and complain to corporate about being treated unfairly at the store. Overall the store manager was extremely kind and handled the situation correctly.

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Fuck Yo coupons


You scanned the items at a self checkout till, right not a till that was manned by a cashier, you did the right thing you scanned your items and you scanned the coupons and you put the coupons in the slot provided on the self checkout till as instructed so what's the cashier's problem. If there was a problem with the coupons itself, the scanner would not scan it. May be that particular cashier and CS Manager needs to be retrained on coupons and self checkout tills and customer service.

Htvs says:

OMG once again….here we go!! the cashiers are ignorant to the coupon policy….I'm a cashier at walmart…..she should never had asked "what do you want to do" NEVER SHOULD YOU DO THAT. also, if she was really a csm she shouldn't have needed to wait for keys soooooo she obviously wasn't really a CSM. girl if the company spent the same amount of time training on unions as they did on coupons they wouldn't have this issue….it's unnecessary. I'm an avid couponer and I know the rules but my coworkers AND csms don't know enough about this at all! I know this has nothing to do with coupons but I have a CSM that voids all transactions when a wic item doesn't go through…..they tell them they aren't alowwed to check out there!! holy moly!! it's the same thing they need to get things straight for real!! you are the customer and you deserve to be treated right…..I also have to say that the lines are always an issue and I always get yelled at by customers about it (because I have a say as a low ranking cashier lol) registers are closed when there are not enough ppl to work them. csms are not usually allowed to hop onto registers because they need to be available for cashiers who have problems… walmart tries to have csms get on registers and then when we have an angry customer we have no one to talk to them and they sit there and get more angry. that's why we try not to do that….ppl also complain about self checkouts not being open all the time (ALL THE TIME) it's because we don't have the manpower to stay all night long for one person every 20 mins to Come through….we have to shut it down!!

gracie rayo says:

hotter than a 38!!!

Reana Francois says:

so glad I saw this video today I was harassed Friday and Saturday at Wal-Mart while couponing

The pickles and bacon show says:

toni hi im a new sub im in san antonio i have ?? bout using coupons at heb

markanddanielsmom says:

I have met cashiers like that they get upset when the see you saving money

Melinda Lowe says:

I had a similar thing to happen to me twice this week. I even had a cashier walk up as I was looking at my coupons…she grab the coupons out of my hand. That was before I even scanned the first item. I was so upset. Then the second time I drove 45 minutes to my Walmart….I was getting the big razors…the cashier got the csm…..they said I couldn't use four coupons and they tried to say I got the wrong razors….I told her it said any bic razors, she smarted off to me, and said I'm not approving this and just walked off…so I had to leave without my items plus I was out gas money for nothing. ๐Ÿ˜”

Katie Toone says:

I love your channel Toni!I have learned so much from your videos. You deserve that gift card! I work as a CSM at Walmart and that makes me so mad you were treated that way. I always teach my cashiers about coupons so that doesn't happen. We usually have to type in our supervisor code if you have overage and it's not a big deal. I used these coupons at my store and had no problem they just typed their number and let me go.

Claudia Chavana says:

New subscriber, thanks for sharing your experience it makes me feel like I'm not out there alone. I'm new at couponing and some times is very hard for me with one full time job and a part time so I relate to you since I usually do my shopping during my lunch and hate when I spent my whole lunch hour Walmart and for then to give a hard time.

Shannon Cook says:

I ordered extra of the tweezer coupons too and I still haven't found a single pair. I'm going to try again today. I can't handle that kind of attitude. Last time I got that at Walmart, I asked the really hateful manager to read the coupon policy together. She was shocked when I proved her wrong.

Darilyn Perez says:

Hey if you have any left check HEB they run $1.62 at least my store and another like $1.82!!! They give overage also:)

Mistie Jones says:

So happy the manager made it right for you.

April Snopkowski says:

Thank you so much Toni for sharing these Walmart chronicles with us. Definitely hits home with me because sometimes when I go and use coupons in a new area I get the twisted attitudes. And your right it's because of those coupon abusers really that make the good ones look bad. Sad but very true. I love this story though! Thank you so much agin for sharing with all of us. And I love this t-shirt stuff your doing! Looks pretty cool! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

Disfrutar Con Lila says:

Wow ยก you were so lucky because that happend to me I wanted to buy a Curve mens perfume it was on clearence for 5dls๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑyes 5 dls and I had a .coupons of 5 dls and the cashier was so mad because I will get the perfume free and she called the manger bcause I put the coupons inside too so they did not let me used my coupons and I was very frustrated because I could get 5 off them free but not happend so I call costumer service but the store manager she never called me back,

Grandma Bean says:

I am sorry you had such a crappy experience at Walmart! You inspire me to use coupons.
You have even inspired me to shop at Walmart. I live near a Walmart, real near and have
Experienced similar poor customer service. Thank you for sharing your experience at
Walmart. For all the above reasons I never recommend Walmart when asked. You have
Such a gentle spirit and you set an excellent example of how to handle negative
Customer service when trying to coupon. Thank you for all you do. โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ

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