Weekend Deals – Kids’ Gifts | Target Holiday 2018

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Find deals that take you from playtime to naptime with kids’ gifts, 20% off this Saturday only! Sia’s Target Exclusive “Round and Round” from ‘Everyday Is Christmas’ – get it Only at Target https://bit.ly/2ESYYU9


Elizabeth Rivera says:

I love target

vargskeletor uncut full Chan streams kemp says:

Commercial for toys r us except instead of bullseye the dog at the beginning it will be Geoffrey the giraffe waving and the voice will instead say this: here at toys r us you can find the hottest things like Swift toys, suprise toys, and cozy toys only at toys r us

Edgar Morales says:

Gingerbreadington come back

Gina Marie says:

I cannot stand this song in the commercial.

lúnnār møøn says:

Do you have the elf on the shelf too?

税金Chickenrex says:

Anyone else here from beyblade nation

Vule says:

My farts smell bad

LiL Treasures Toy Reviews says:

Da bigger surprise 🎉 so manyyy drools

TheAltarf says:

I love the song here! wish I knew the singer's name.

Crysixro :3 says:

I like watching ads hehe

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