What coupons are we getting? 01/29/23 Coupon Insert Preview

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D Schenk says:

Thank you Beautiful Queen.

Angela Crump says:

Where do you buy coupons from

Terri Mahoney says:

I bought my newspapers at dollar tree today and they had the two inserts but of course they did not have the dove coupons. That is the reason I bought the papers. Ugh


Where do you usually get the inserts

Tracey Coleman says:

Thank you 😊💓

Crystal T says:

You must have the hookup to get inserts so early 😜!!!

Linda Haver says:

Thank you for sharing bq

Sabrina Palmer says:

Good afternoon how everyone dong????

Mary Wade says:

Thank you!!!

Denise Bowers says:

Thank you 😊

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