Why You Should Break Up With JoAnn Fabric Stores

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Joann’s sells inferior products at inflated prices with terrible customer service. In this video, I explain why and suggest a few alternatives.

Businesses mentioned in this video (I’m not sponsored by any of them; just a happy customer):
BIPOC and Ally vendor list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15P6UD3e3JeInCiKal10eKI5IKZ5VJ7ZuDg6sJDIKob8/edit#gid=0


Monique DeVaughn says:

Ugh! Your opinion is your opinion. I was willing to listen until YOU brought race into the equation. ….and I’m of mixed race..I’ll leave it at that.

Nancy McAlister says:

I went to Joann’s today and that was the worst store on earth. Things that you can find in Michael’s you would think would be in Joann’s “ NOT” this store does not have “Die Cuts”, clear stamps that have die cut’s with them, very few rubber Stamps or the stamp pads. NO help from the store’s sales staff, not a person in sight but when you go to the check out counter the first thing out of their mouth is “ did you find everything you wanted” HELL NO! Never will I go to Joann’s…

tonja's treasures says:

Just tried to return a Cricut Mini heat press I got on sale for $49. Opened the box, but never even took it out of the box because I saw how freaking ridiculously small the thing was. LOL Should be called micro o.o Anyway 🙂 I had the receipt from online, took it into the "local" Joann's 80 miles away from me to return and was informed I would have to pay a $25 restocking fee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is robbery !!!! >:(

Cheryl Smith says:

Ok I get your points,,,They actually have the most glichy website ever,,,takes forever to get order in,,wonder if this is done on purpose to keep you online for phising reasons.Also,,,I have never,,and I mean never received and order in less than 2 weeks,,,and it comes in seperate orders on different dates! But,,,there are good deals at Joanns,,,better than the other box stores! It is worth the wait!

Misty Laird says:

I am so glad I am not the only one that knows this….THEY OVERPRICE EVERYTHING, and I do mean EVERYTHING. I am trying to find a reliable and quality fabrics online.

Nonya Bidness says:

I tried many times to what would work for a decent price @ JAs, it's just not a place to purchase quality products! I'm not being cranky or dishonest, it's just the truth! I miss Sharon's Quilt Depot in Mckinney Texas! And really do miss Hancock's! They had great prices and fabric!

Simply Shelly says:

A buisness shouldn’t make an ingenuine political statement to conform to the norm.

petmom ful says:

I have worked at Joann's for a few days. I have been sewing over 50 years. However, I was put on the register with NO training at all. It was awful. I felt bad making people wait while I called someone to help me. I had no idea what I was doing. I was being polite and cheerful, but I almost had a nervous breakdown inside. I heard there was supposed to be cashier training so I asked about it. The managers don't seem to know. They just look at me, and don't answer. They have twice scheduled me on the day I am not available, on schedules coming up, and I had to tell them. And we don't get breaks, you can ask for one, but then they are unhappy. There are not enough people working, they cannot schedule more, so they don't have time for breaks. The women I have met, tho, are so very nice and helpful. So I am encouraged by that. Needless to say, I am not sure how long I will last there. The holidays are coming up and, as an older lady, I am not sure if I want to work every day of the week. Please don't blame the employees. It seems that corporate has set it up to make it incredibly difficult and stressful.

Kiersten Ridgway says:

They do have mostly crap as far as fabric!! Why go to all the work to make quilt out of poor quality fabric. Once in awhile you can find a good one. And I've really only had pretty lame experiences there. If you don't know the difference then go ahead and spend your money there.

xXSlaughter3dXx says:

oh my GOD THEY HAVE BIGGER GUTERMANS??? PLEASE IM DESTROYED. the tiny ones at joannes are $3

TinaMfam says:

I can’t buy fabric anywhere else so I’ll keep going there.

Barbara Bender says:

Thank you for this video! I have shopped at JoAnn's for I know over 20 years. Back when they had competition like So-Fro Fabric and Hancock Fabric. I always shopped them because I lived in an area where I could get to their store either on my way home from work or within 10 minutes from my house. About 8 years ago, I moved rural and this is when it started to sink in that they are just another monster corporation that is only interested in profits. I would drive 40+ minutes only to find out a) they didn't have what I was after, b) I google searched the item while in the store and found it other places for cheaper (even after their coupon) c) the coupon couldn't be used on most items because they were already on sale….even the magazines would be marked down 10% negating your ability to use the coupon. Their coupons make me feel like I'm in that scene from the movie "The Jerk" where you step right up and win some crap. Three years ago I started quilting and it really came to light how crappy the quality of their fabric is. I'd pull out a fat quarter from JoAnns and try to combine it into a quilt with something I had purchased at the local quilt shop. No comparison. Just this week, I was clearing out stash and uncarded about 150 fat quarters that I had purchased from JoAnns over a period of 15 years. The fat quarters from 15 years ago were somewhat acceptable from a quality standpoint. They were measured correctly and had a selvage edge. I uncarded many that I purchased about 3-4 years ago. They are printed poorly, very thin, no selvage edge and cut crooked as can be. As I was looking at them, I couldn't help but think they had been cut with scissors and then began to worry that they were being cut by children in forced labor. Whatever the case may be, this is the final straw. I will continue to buy fabric only from reputable sellers on the internet and my local quilt shop, first and foremost.

P. Wulfson says:

I’ll be interested to see how the “new” job market here in NH plays out, for numerous stores. Walmart is offering $14-18, and whole foods is coming in to the area with the same rate. We a 2.5% unemployment rate, and there’s loads of “Now Hiring “ signs all over the place. Something’s gotta give!

Misty Hehehehe says:

I hate Joannes because the employees are really rude and I hate what they advertise they say Joannes is like better than Ashley‘s home store and like Joannes mattress is better than purple

Edo says:

Flagstaff AZ Joann’s store manager rude to locals native Americans

Carol Menton says:

You lost me with “We need too”.

Jacquie’s Crochet Corner says:

These are great points. It’s always great to support smaller businesses. Although I don’t agree with some of it, thank you for presenting your opinions in a calm way. I don’t typically go there for fabric because I mostly crochet but overall, I lived the video and keep sharing your opinions

jill says:

I’m so glad you said it. Their fabric is 💩.

sunshine o says:

So sorry to hear that. I have been going to Joanna for many years now. We have no other option. However, I do feel staff is impolite to rude to non-cooperative or complaint loudly about something in store while customers are around which gives signs they are not happy. Only few ladies I have seen are nice and I always hope I will see them rather than some young boys or girls.

Fran Ackerman says:

What the hell does racism have to do with quilt fabric, grow up

Jennifer Black says:

Girl… I don't know what the.. Fuckkkkkk joann store you went too.. But I sincerely am sorry for any rude customer service you had. I've worked there for about a year and honestly it isn't the easiest job. At least at my Joanns, it's HORRIBLE pay for a quite amount of work. We are human though hun, sometimes we may get cranky, get overwhelmed by a high amount of customers and a low amount of staff; just like EVERY OTHER retail store in the world; but again, at least at my store; we do our best. But especially during the beginning of the pandemic, joanns lost a CRAP ton of merchandise, just like every other store in the world.
1…. Just because we work at a craft store. Does NOT mean we know anything, and everything about every kind of craft.
2…Completely support small businesses and etsy shops, no issue there.
3… We run sales CONSTANTLY. And even if something isn't on sale, my managers do the absolute best to promote coupons, and discounts as much as we possibly can.
Though I absolutely agree Joanns does have some overpriced shit, it really just depends on what you buy, and what's on sale.
Honestly your crappy customer service has me more concerned than anything, I absolutely do hope you have a better experience next time. Again, at least at my store, if you don't give good service; no matter the attitude of the customer, you get BITCHEDDD at! Hope you have a good experience next time!
Happy crafting everyone!

d̤̈ä̤n̤̈ï̤ë̤l̤̈ï̤t̤ö̤ ë̤l̤̈ t̤r̤̈ä̤v̤̈ï̤ë̤s̤̈ï̤t̤ö says:

Funny I just saw this video because I remember many years ago, before we had Michaels or Hobby in my area (I’m in central Florida by the way), there was always this kind of “granny southern confederacy” vibe that I got when I visited the store, I don’t know how else to describe it but I never vibed with the store at that time mainly because of that, and we’re talking about when I was very young as I’ve always been into sewing. Since then the store chains have definitely grown more diverse, fashion forward and trendy in their selection of merchandise, but that first impression always stuck with me and I wouldn’t say that I go there that often probably because of that and Joann’s can be quite expensive too, I’d say I only go to Joann’s if I’m looking for specific fabrics or materials that I can’t find at my local Michaels, Hobby Lobby or Walmart.

Mary Pennington says:

I feel if you don't like Joann's then stop going there. It is not right for someone because they had a bad experience that you should bad mouth a whole store. I do believe that if you work in a fabric store you should know about fabrics. I have purchased a lot of supplies from Joann's and never had a problem.

Sylvia Coleman says:

I own my, own business since the pandemic I have no problem getting what I need and if they send the wrong thing I get to keep it and they send what I should have.

Sylvia Coleman says:

Joanne fabric is the largest fabric store in our city. We have 2 or 3 small stores since Hancock fabric went out of business

Jody Hakala says:

10:46 zipper ha ha another reason to like this video. Saving us money.

Jody Hakala says:

Oh good luck 🍀;( making a nice wool cloak too?! Nope they don’t have any so we have SR Harris. In Minneapolis

Jody Hakala says:

Thumbs up 👍 the fabric choices have been getting worse and less quality! It’s called fabric — and they don’t carry wool?!!! You can make a vest?! Or suit?! WTH. They have polar fleece. It’s awful.
I’d tried to buy patterns and all, 3 employees didn’t know how to find any! Yep couldn’t help me and they didn’t know how to sew 🧵 at all.
We lived Hancock fabric so much. My husband made a historical pirate jacket, and we liked the help from handcock.

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