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๐Ÿฟ Movie: Queenpins (Drop a like!)

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#MinuteMovies #Recapped


ttox23 says:

goddamnit the thumbnail ๐Ÿ˜‚

Curtis Maize says:

Where have I seen that fat guy eating before? I remember seeing it before and wanting to punch him in the face. Now I see it again and have the same feeling. Why does he taunt me?

Rithwik Adwik says:

Only if it I could do this in real life

Thomas Gideon says:

Ahh, modern movies. Where women can do very bad and illegal things, and the guys who don't want that are the villains or are incompetent.

Jaidyn Jennings says:

if you buy free coupon does that mean u got something for free

RC Slyman says:

If I've learned anything from movies and television, it's that this movie vastly undersold the legal power and ramifications of Mail Fraud.

Emilia Vorreilli says:

Thanks for watching all this crap so we don't have to.

Ciborium says:

This is why you NEVER leave money sitting in your PayPal account. Not in your mattress. Not your dollars.

Angelina Dash says:

damn, for a white guy, that attempt at an authentic Spanish accent actually wasn't half bad! I'm impressed!

Light Echo says:

This movie looks horrible

Liam the StarCraft Simp says:

The fact that she was going to have a baby with another man without even consulting her husband is pretty messed up.

Average says:

1:05 no ir does not. What starts with w and ends with t

Grastiars says:

Your Charlie impression was fantastic.

Lava Shark and Boy Girl says:

Itโ€™s actually kind of disgusting that this guy makes EVERY SINGLE THUMBNAIL some sort of sex thing. Are you that uncreative that you canโ€™t think of anything actually interesting? Fuck. That being said, this was actually a really good movie

Internetjerk says:

Proof you can't trust women

Gojira Biscuits says:

Wow. The characters in this movie are all just terrible people. If you failed to conceive over a dozen times then go behind your husbands back & impregnated yourself with some random persons sperm. Without even considering adopting one of the millions of children that desperately need parents and role models, you probably don't deserve to be a parent.

GroovyDude16 says:

jojo reference

Abdul Habek says:

can we talk about how much minute movie is over rated??

Abdul Habek says:

can we talk about how much minute movie is over rated??

Brian McClenahan says:

Moral of the story is, if your husband can't get you pregnant, try someone else. Otherwise you'll find yourself doing illegal stuff.

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