★ 7 FREEBIES – Target & CVS Coupon DEALS (Week 2/28-3/5)

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This video highlights the best couponing deals and clearance finds this week at Target & CVS Couponing Deals Shopping Trip (Week 2/28-3/5).

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Lindsey DiBenedetto says:

Those razors suck if you have sensitive skin

Sandra Sanders says:

Dose anyone happen to know how long that catilina will print with the ziploc? I found more qs but wont make it there today.

chrissydexter1 says:

I got the tide!!

Pamela Pugh says:

how do you get the manufacturers coupons?

Najla Hamideh says:

does the Catalina come up after paying for the item? or after its scanned?

NikkitaBanana says:

Thanks for the video. The Target manager tried to tell me that I could only use the garnier coupon on the items pictured but took them anyway.

MyNameMeansPeace says:

i dont understand where the insert coupons com from

Monica R. says:

I just tried the bic deal and garnier scrub I live in Austin Texas I was told they couldn't do it I've called other targets and they say the same is this true? Also I was wondering if anyone knows if I could do this at Walmart?

Elvira Galleon says:

Thanks Tina, I submitted my missed Catalina, hopefully They can send me the coupon.

Lupita Rodriguez says:

i tried to use that Bic 3$ coupon with the 2.97 Bic razors @ target and the cashier did not honor it:/

Martha Gloria says:

hola gracias por ayudarme ahora ,tienes mucha informacion , lo que no le entiendo muy vien son los codigo.

Minkara21 says:

Where can I print the coupons?  Or do I need to find them through smart source directly?

Elvira Galleon says:

Tina, I did not receive a Catalina coupon for buying Ziplock in Target, why is that?

Lorri Lynn says:

I just discovered you, love your videos!! What is your facebook groups?

Ashley Cano says:

I can't find the Bic coupon anywhere! 🙁 I'm not sure why it's not in my Smart Source.

Katrina Michele says:

Can you use coupons if you are on food stamps?


i watch your Youtube videos every week, but I don't have time to watch the Periscope video. Do you post that information anywhere? Thanks

Karina Baca says:

Scored the free Zzquil plus I had an Ibotta rebate for $1 so was $1 MM! Yay

dani love says:

Hi Tina ! I noticed you don't cover rite aid deals on your videos anymore? Just wondering if there was a particular reason? It's my favorite store that's why I ask lol… Thank you for all you do, even without the rite aid deals I still appreciate you so much! Xoxo

Sass says:

I am ready to jump in and start getting things for free! you make it so simple,,, hope I have a good experience at Target!  good day to you… Sass

LaTonya White says:

Hi, I got a great score at Target today. I used the $15 off $50 coupon. I purchased 3 Febreze air fresheners, 3 Unstoppables fabric spray,2 Unstoppables candles and 1 Glade candle. I used $15 in gift cards from last weeks Eucerin purchase of 3 face lotions, $14 in printable coupons and an Ibotta rebate or $2, giving me a total of $7.31. Thanks for your tips!

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