👍 Harbor Freight Inside Track Club Coupons! 🏆

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TheStruggleville says:

Don't forget to check out the Final Markdown catalog! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUerFm7HTts

Debbie Armioia Thomas says:

Those oil pan or used oil drain catch bottles could be repurposed in the wrol shtf universe as a portable gas station . I am sure their are undesirables already practicing this idea.

Alex Ball says:

You from iowA lol

Dan Rozwood says:

Noooo! Made me wait!
As always, thanks!

ri mar says:

looks like the comment sections are broken again for some of us. as always thanks.

brent hann says:

thanks for the videos. i always appreciate it even if my wife hates that you post these.

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