10 Extreme Grocery Shopping Hacks WITHOUT Coupons | Frugal Grocery Shopping!

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Welcome back! Today we are 10 Extreme Grocery Shopping Hacks WITHOUT Coupons

Personally, I’ve been off coupon shopping for a while now. There are so many ways you can get super great deals without clipping or printing coupons out!

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Soup picture source: https://www.goodfreephotos.com/food/door-county-chowder.jpg.php

Beginning cooking videos:

Jordan Page’s Meal Planning video:

My favorite printable meal planner:

#Frugalhacks, #Groceryshopping, #Savingmoneyonfood, #Groceryshoppinghacks #foodbudget


A Frugal Life The Channel says:

What do you do to save money on groceries? Post your tips here!

Isabel Esteves says:

Fantastic tips I love your chanel. Take care

Lee M says:

I call it stone soup after the story my mom read to us as a child. When young I would invite people over and tell them to bring something you put in a soup a stone soup party. I'd make homemade rolls and throw a salad together. It was fun. I keep a container in freezer and add to it for soup too. I do menu plan and I buy meat on sale and I do pantry and small chest freezer I put the meats in. So most of the time I buy things at a lower price. Like mushroom soup, tomatoes, spices I buy usually in bulk and fill the small spice bottles.

Teresa Walker says:

They are building a brand new grocery outlet here in Molalla oregon. I can't wait because im gonna save so much.

kelly Barrett says:

Just found your channel and loving it! We call it magic soup lol. You have some great tips and use most of them myself for years! I clean a house in the next town over every Friday and discovered that the grocery store there marks all their meat down at 7 am and I start at 8:00. I get AMAZING deals and not wasting gas to go check because I am driving by anyway. I get whole chickens for 1.20-1.50 a piece strip stacks 2.00 a pound pork for .99 a pound or less and chicken leg quarters .37 a pond. I get bakery items 6 sub rolls hotdog or hamburger rolls for .87
a bag and lots of random things that are cleared off shelves overnight by the stock guys.

Kenyon Bissett says:

I like to keep a 6 mo to 1 yr pantry. How I do it is I start with Menu Planning (fall/winter, spring/summer). This is a list of meals we like to eat during that season complete with recipes. Most recipes are inexpensive to make. Next, I check what we have and meal plan for the next 2 weeks. I sometimes cook a double batch week 1 & 2. Then freeze the extra portion for weeks 3 & 4. Two meals each week are meatless. Now I know what I need to stock up on in the pantry and freezer. I keep a price book of items regular cost and cheapest cost. We have pasta 2 times a week, so the regular cost is $1-2, the lowest cost is moneymaker, free or 5 cents a lb. Ex. Local store sale .80 cents, coupon double on .75/2 so it now 5 cents a lb. ibotta has a .50 cent rebate on 1 you can do 5 times. So I choose between making a $2.25 profit or with enough coupons stocking up for the year. Spaghetti and macaroni for a year for my various recipes. If I notice potatoes are on sale for 10lbs for $2-2.50, we are eating meals with potatoes. We don’t eat much white rice but my lowest price is .20 lb. We do eat brown rice and my buy is .50lb or less. I use Fetch, Ibotta and Receipt Hog. I use store coupons and manufacturers coupons. My buy price for chicken quarters is .39lb. Hamburger is $1lb. I don’t have a Grocery Outlet or equivalent. My only bulk store is Whole Foods an hr away. I do use overage at Walmart to lower the price of food. No Aldi within 45min. For produce, I use the app Flipp and compare prices. I shop with a list, and go to 2-4 store (2 on one of street, 2 on other side). I take no more then 15 mins a store. I take advantage of websites and YouTube for deals, why invent the wheel. If I am low or out I make a note and wait for a sale. Most sales are on a 4-8 week cycle. I know how long things last so I keep that in mind. I substitute expensive ingredients for less expensive items on sale or markdown. Ex. Cottage cheese for ricotta, or plain yogurt for sour cream. A .20 yogurt always beats a sale priced sour cream. There’s more but I won’t drone on, cuz the Lord knows I could. Godspeed!

Margaret Stephens says:

Look on the top and bottom shelves in supermarkets for cans, packets and toiletries. Most people take the products off the couple of eye level shelves when they shop, this is all they look at. In UK our supermarkets put their cheaper lines on the very top and bottom shelves. I do machine washing with plain washing soda, 2 scoops for a full load. I grate the ends of bars of soap and put it in a storage jar for hand washing delicate items. If clothes are a bit stained I use supermarket brand Oxypowder just half or one scoop in each load. Never use fabric softener and line dry whenever you can.
I shop every 10 days not weekly and stick to a list. Occasionally I will buy a product not on the list if it is a good price and I know it will all get used. Clean around taps with lemon or vinegar to remove calcium carbonate build up.

S CT says:

Clean the frigerator veggies stir fry is a great way for me to eat up all the veggies going bad. It can be frozen to add to ramen or other noodles in soup.

S CT says:

Eating healthier is sometimes cheaper. Buy produce from the edge of the store, never the middle.

Cuisine With Love says:

Great tips.
I have a YouTube channel. You can find simple recipes

Cheryl T. says:

I’ve been making a lot of vegetable soups. I cut up assorted vegetables, add chicken stock, various seasonings and one can of chunk tuna. It’s healthy, frugal, tastes great and lasts me several days!

Josiah's Mom says:

Grow a garden..adding a small home grown salad to a meal decreases portion size of the main course which saves me $$.

Jean Shimpeno says:

I put my left over from a dinner in a plastic container and put it in the freezer. I use them like a TV dinner when I need a quick meal. Since I started doing this I never throw food out anymore.

Simona Parovska says:

Less meat and cheese. I'm not telling you to become a vegan:D, but that's always the most expensive items on receipt

Shelley Madu says:

Often I bake a batch of chicken breasts. They are so versatile, reheat well and great cold on salad or sandwich.

Michelle Raney says:

Money mom sent me!

Tara Cat says:

Stay Safe from the fires and smoke🙏

Candace Hampton says:

Meal planning definitely helps you save money because I’ve done it before. You’re not buying tons of items for different meals. Shopping your pantry is another great one. I do this when I don’t wanna spend unnecessary money!

Esther Adriana says:

Such a good informative video! I cook for just me, so I usually pick 2-3 different recipes, cook 4 servings of each and then freeze them. Usually last me 10-14 days, that way I eat healthier and I don't waste as much.

DashofDaysh TV says:

Okay these are all so great! This momma is all about saving a few coins

Dee-Ann says:

We don't mind. You're little guy is a cutie.🐶🐕🐶🐕
I do not think we have grocery outlets stores here in Canada.
Thank you for these tips, Beauty!

Twisted Glam says:

Ohhh I really need to try this!!

Amanda Rozze says:

We would shop at grocery outlet and winco growing up!

Lindsey West says:

I shop online and feel that that really saves me a lot of money so I don’t have impulse purchases lol

Kennedy Taylor says:

Oooh I'm all about saving money! Love this <3

Amanda Largo says:

These are some amazing tips. I’m so bad at over spending for groceries

Shante D says:

These are great tips. I always shop the outside aisles before the inside aisles to make sure i'm getting more healthy bang for my buck. I'm not diabetic but am low carb as well.

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