2018 6 29 UnBoxing Air Wick Scented Oil Starter Kit Lavender & Chamomile

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Freddy A says:

What setting would you put for a living room??

Wilsons Antony since 1990 says:

Very long narration

Tracey Lennon says:

It took you ALL that time to tell us how to put the damn thing on???

aniyale says:

Hello how long did it take to warm up and begin smelling up the room?

michael pas says:

I got fresh water and I love the scent! I'm not a big fan of fruity scents

Chris K says:

8:25 you say that the warming of the flat part of the glass warms the contents releasing the scent. . .this is not right. In the upper part of the device,there is an element that heats up the fire proof wick vaporizing the scent.

Elaine Galloway` says:

Thank you, this helped me.

Gretchen Bray says:

Mine is no longer working!

Nikki G says:

Thank you for explaining everything I never used on of these before. Again thanks for the knowledge

Gabe K says:

is the smell good?

Alexander Alex says:

does it work with 220 walts?

N says:

I have a question. I got some sprayed on my fruit the other day but my fruit didn’t smell like any refreshment from the air which. So i ate like 2 or 3 grapes then just threw the whole thing out bc i didn’t trust it. Is that bad?

Silvia Resendiz says:

Muchas gracias

Silvia Resendiz says:

Gracias yo lo ponia al revez

Susanna Quirinali says:

Ahahah…BaCCCCCCioni Milla…e Milla bacia strano…che poi va tutto in fumo… Tu chiamalo profumo!!. Ahahah…ispirati inspirando, profondamente

Shenanesse Cruz says:

Thanks for the video I just got a free one at the store today a peach one and I will definitely be refilling it smells wonderful.

MrsStrawberryLuv1 says:

Thank you I just couldnt figure it out how turn it you made plan and clear that scent strong ☺

Kansas Gardener says:

For a bedroom you will want it on the lowest setting. I put it on the highest and oh my!

Myron .Ganes says:

5:54 is that a reference to Engineer from TF2 if so you sir are awesome.

karell t says:

Little long bro BUT very good…main point i didn't get till you brought it up is that i can change the scent with my own therefore saving me 💰! Thanks!

Y G says:

Main concept 5:48 thank you it helps save my but.

Anya Hansen says:

I don’t think mine is working..my room doesn’t smell lavender at all.

Yooo amir says:

This video really helped. Thank you so much!!!!

Chicken Chauffeur says:

this should be a 1 minute video…

Sergio Galindo says:

Lavender is the BEST!

Kee Edwards says:

My roommate’s 25 year old son keeps plugging them upside down
He thinks they work better
I noticed the aroma was gone when I walked by a few times
I turned them all back the correct way…unless it’s not the correct way.

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