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Stay Connected With Me:
Want to write me?

Toni Parrish
P.O. Box 6536
Kingwood, Texas 77325

What Camera’s Do I Film With?
Canon 60D
Canon T3
Canon Powershot Elph 180
iPhone 7plus

***I edit in Movie Maker. I don’t own a MAC. I use Windows 10

Music: ●Soundcloud – https://soundcloud.com/aka-dj-quads

Want to email me???
Email: CouponingWithToni@gmail.com

For Business Inquiries (Only) Email: CouponToniPR@gmail.com


Stores I shop at: CVS, Walgreens, Dollar General, Kroger, HEB, Walmart, Randalls (Safeway), Dollar Tree. I don’t have Rite Aid.

What Is My Channel About/Channel Information

What Insert is that coupon in? Coupon Data Base: http://coupontom.com/
(search which inserts coupons are in)

Instagram: https://instagram.com/couponingwithtoni/
Facbebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100017166512320
Twitter: https://twitter.com/couponwithtoni
SnapChat: ToniCoupons

How To Start Couponing https://youtu.be/sSyBT3vPbXU
How To Pay W/ PayPal-Dollar General: https://youtu.be/jvUCQqyqffE
I Don’t Coupon With My Own Money/Rebate Apps:
How To Print from CVS.com https://youtu.be/-8EPnt6VC1k
Meet Mr. Lee aka My Hubby (He’s not a secret)
What Kind of Printer Do I use? https://youtu.be/W6zk6BkD-tk
CVS Lingo & Couponing Terms https://youtu.be/Y357wGoAR7s
How I Organize My Binder https://youtu.be/1GcLFEIedNM
Trading/Sharing Coupons with Toni https://youtu.be/4i4Cfbs3lFA
How To Price Match At Walmart? https://youtu.be/BwhgqAXlrQA
How To Pay with Paypal? https://youtu.be/1-WeLg_q6Js


If you read all of this You’re The Real MVP’s


Christina Protze says:

Will cvs let you use 4 coupons in one transaction?

Esme Estrada says:

The 4 dollar beeped at target( they wouldnt push it thru )

Jay Baptiste says:

OMG!!! I wished I saw this before I went shopping tonight. My qpon did beep. They let it go through. I was thankful and grateful that they did. The manager said the walgreen qpon was a manufacture upon and that is why it was beeping. I did not know the walgreen store qpons are manufacture upon.

Renee Salzman says:

My cashier wouldn't even scan the $4 off coupons for the makeup remover. She just told me the coupon wasn't for that deal. I got the same ones at a different Walgreens earlier. I had to pass this time. It wasn't worth it. She also told me they have scan the Walgreens coupons first, but I know that's not true.

Ondina Brito says:

I buy 3 wipes,2 Aveeno body wash ,3 Olay body wash and 1small Dawn ,I paid $6.41 and take back 500 point plus 100 for the next transaction thanks you a lot.

Kathie Quintanilla says:

Hey Toni, I used the $4 coupon on the 21 count and it beeped. I was unable to purchase or do any of my deals that I had planned for.

the funny women says:

toni I used I don't have any problem went tru

Ana v says:

Thumbs up!! TFS

sabeen GREGORE says:

so can i combine both coupons the 3 off n the 4 off in one transaction as if they are both different ones ?????

Cheryl Johnson says:

you mentioned printer ink. I'm on the ink reward program at office depot. I bring 10 used or old ink cartridges for recycle and get 20.00 certificate on line to print out for use. my husband works at an office and collects the used ones and brings them home and I get two dollars each and max out at 10 a month which is twenty dollars. I buy my ink with it. you do need to spend ten dollars a month but you always need something so it works out.

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