Arrested for Coupon Fraud ! Glittering & Coupon Misuse

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If you’re following my videos and using coupons the way I’m using them, then you should have nothing to worry about. BUT if you’re getting information on how to use coupons from people who constantly commit fraud, you’re exposing yourself to numerous unfavorable possibilities. The sad part is, most of you don’t know what fraud in the coupon community looks like. I’m hope this video helps you make calculated and informed decisions.
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MzPurpleHaze00 says:

Omg! Didn't know this was even happening! I don't always use coupons but when I do it's for the product.
But thanks for the info 👍🏽

Elizabeth Topete says:

I thank you very much for the video.. didn't know that can happen…. I am new to your videos and been trying to save but not saving yet.. need help..

UpAndOver says:

Im worried if this many people keep doing it, they'll cancel all coupons.

Wanda LaVette says:

What baffles me is couponing is so easy legitimately, even WITH the restrictions, it makes no sense to do it fraudulently The sales come so often that if you miss it you can just make it up in the next month. Not necessary to coupon fraud.

Leah Drake says:

I believe people feel guilty and get freaked out when any one asks a question. They think they are getting judged.

Leah Drake says:

is this called glittering? because I described glittering and they all said NO.

Kimberlee C says:

AMEN!!! ❤️🙏🏼

Cristal Hernandez says:

Hi!! Whats mean 1 identical coupon per shopping trip ?

Rachael Montz says:

You buy coupons from a fairy isn’t that illegal?

texaslady1973 says:

I save a lot using coupons correctly. I believe in Karma, so I am not willing to test it just to get a good deal!

Anna G says:

The only reason I stay out of jail is this amazing bed I bought recently. I grew up with crappy beds but after buying my first, comfy bed I don't think i could live without it now. Also, I don't have anyone who'd take care of my asshole doggos.

Gel T says:

OMG! I didn't even know that you could do that


I like the video concept, but what about glitches? I definitely would say that’s unethical, and have even seen you promoting this on your channel such as how I eat free in a day. Not putting you on a blast, but if you’re teaching about couponing ethics, perhaps glitches should be too since this is along the same lines of this type of fraud.

Nicki Bair says:

OMGIOSH I am so glad to see this video!! Granite I am scared to use coupons but would like to learn how to use them, lol,, but my jaw drops when seeing how ppl use the coupons in a fraud to either get something for free or to get money back. Amazed and bewildered. It's like they feel like they need a pat on the back for doing what they be more happy to slap them on the back of the head for being so stupid in making the videos saying "hey look what I did and you can do it too"… grrrrr

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