BABY FOOD Dangers (which BRANDS) What You Can Do

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Parents trust these BABY FOOD companies, and maybe they should stop!
Arsenic and Lead & other heavy metals found in multiple major brands of baby food, many of these corporations KNEW their products were not safe and sold them anyway. Heavy metals like arsenic, lead, mercury & cadmium are most likely in every container of baby/toddler food from these companies. Many of the crisps/crackers contain high levels as well!

Please help me share this story with every parent & grandparent out there. Protecting a baby’s brain development is vital in the first 1000 days if they are to grow up to be intelligent, reasoning adults.

Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy Report:
UPI story:

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Thanks so much to our Prime & Champion Patrons, Chris B, Robert M, Julia M, Josh S, Andrew R, Michael K, Acer T, Fernanda T, Ronald S, Debra B, Yolanda N, 2 Krazy Ketos, Bob C, B B, Suzanne C, Mitzi C, Dean Z, Doyle R, Julie L, Lori B, Jeff P, Sam B for helping make this video possible.

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Disclaimer: Dr. Berry does not diagnose, treat, or prevent any medical conditions online; instead he helps people better understand their health and ways to avoid health problems and promote well-being. Make sure you are working with YOUR provider to monitor your health and medications.
These posts and videos are not designed to and do not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, or services to you or to any other individual.
Ken D Berry, MD


xxxDaMIeNxxx777 says:

Evergreen info given a year ago. This aged well. Thanks doc!!!

Simply Dee says:

I am looking at this video now because of the baby formula shortage. I am incomplete shock and in disbelief.

Edward walter Pentrland says:

What's up with the pi nk sh irt

Edward walter Pentrland says:

What's up with the pi nk sh irt

C C says:

What did baby's eat before baby formula and why can't we just go back to feeding them that food. Just how lazy have mothers become over the years.😰

Stuart Little says:

How is the food that we eat better than the baby food?

Isn't it all growing the same way?

Jepxy Mont says:

Is there any baby cereal recommendation that don't contain these chemicals ?? Thank You !

Patricia L. says:

God bless you Dr. for this video! I hope more parents watch this. KEEP SHARING🙏

Michelle Miranda says:

I somehow knew about this, not sure where I heard this so we do blw. Glad I have all this info clearly now. My question is do you have where you found the research that it leads to Autism? I know people who say it’s only genetic, but I know it has to do with exposures as well!

Stuart Little says:

so what babyfood to get?

Miami Night says:

What is the purpose of these companies putting crap in baby food. Do they get off seeing a baby get sick. Come on FDA, help stand up for our children. 🙏🕊💜

Elvina D. says:

I don't have babies anymore but for those who have I shared it on Facebook so they get the information!Thank you Doc!

Romannamarie Reyes says:

when can babies start grains? like after one year old?

Kane Orn says:

this is great but what about infants who arent able to do solid food yet

Jessy Wanders says:

This is not just baby food, it's all foods. We are all ingesting things that we don't know about everyday.

Jezavel Gomez says:

Hello Dr. can you do study for baby formulas powder brands please thank you

Light Zephyr says:

The problem is most of the foods people are eating are high in heavy metals and hormones too lol. You about have to grow and raise your own food to get around it.

Arelys Cabrera says:

This is so sad, they are killing our childrens, and you know what’s is sadder all this celebrities that are into politics instead of advocating for the Childrens of the world.

Yaneth Rivas says:

Very helpful video👏im still breastfeeding my almost 7 months old baby but my milk production is very low now🥺. can you do a video about baby formulas? What's best alternatives? Thank you

Ashley Clark says:

My baby has been on earths best organic formula for the last couple of months! I had to go through a few other formulas to find what his tummy agreed with. I’m not sure if I should try switching his formula again & to what? It’s so important to me to keep him on an organic formula and we are very limited in the US! What recommendations do you have for the best formulas that are accessible? Thank you!

Marissa G FUNK says:

What baby cereal would you recommend?

Free Spirit With Nature says:

This is really serious. Aspergers, Severe Learning Disabilities. & Austism . We automatically trust that baby food companies are safe . This makes me really angry. The fact rice is grown in arsenic is so bad . We’ need to share this with everyone! These are innocent babies.!

Metatrons Cube says:

Beautiful people were at 6months old and just started led weening but still feeding similac pro advance and I guarantee this trash is even more prevalent in formulas… WHAT TO DO DOES SHE STILL NEED A TYPE OF MILK OAT OR OTHER… OR IS SHE LK EATING JUST FRUITS AND VEGS

Oscar_J Juarez says:

My sisters 2 month old daughter has a cough & doctors told her to give her Tylenol go figure 😑. I know shes still an infant but is there anything else 1 could do ?

CA$S4381 says:



Lisa Lopez says:

What about baby formula?

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