BEST Diaper Deal is at CVS / Huggies!!

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CVS DEAL on Huggies diapers and wipes, Spend $30.00 get 10.00 Extra Care buck back, Buy 1 at $11.99 get the second for 50% off.
Print the $3.00 off Huggies coupons from Use your crt’s if you get any, roll of any extra care bucks. Best diaper deal this week. I only spent $16.00 after tax on 3 packs of diapers and a Father’s day card. 🙂

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Please watch: “10,000 Subscribers GIVEAWAY and some LOVE for y’all!!!! (Almost 10,000)”


Kendall Paige says:

Great deals

0neplus0neequals3 says:

this is an awesome video. definitely do more of these !! i subbed back (:

Ancilla Jagdeo says:

Great deals, thanks for sharing!

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