Cereal Deals

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Cereal is a product that a lot of people love but it can add up in cost really quickly if you eat it every day or if you have kids. There are a lot of ways to save on cereal to make it more worthwhile and cost-friendly.

My stock-up price on cereal is under $1 per box. I also consider a good deal (on a favorite cereal or organic cereal) to be under $1.50 per box so I would buy it at this price but not stock-up. There are several ways to save on cereal and my biggest advice is when you see a really great deal on a cereal you love, get as many as you can!

Chex is a cereal that I use for baking and we like to eat and it often goes on sale. Target and the drugstores will have this on sale for $1.88-$2.25 and if you pair this with a coupon and a promotion, you can get it really cheap. I bought it awhile back at Target for $2.25 and I used a $1/2 Check Cereal coupon and then got a $5 gift card when I bought four. The price was only $0.50/box when you factored in the gift card, super reasonable for this brand!

Safeway and Albertsons will often have Cheerios or other Big G cereals on sale for $1.88 a box. This is when I stock up on Honey Nut Cheerios or Kix, both cereals we love. Pair this sale with a coupon, like the $1.00 off TWO BOXES General Mills kid cereals, and you can get it for under $1.50. This is an even better deal if there is a promotion for a free gallon of milk when you buy 4 cereals or some sort of incentive like ECBs or RRs!

Sometimes you can get a coupon to try a new kind of cereal for FREE! Both Bear Naked and Post have given away full-size product coupons for their cereals to allow customers to try new products. This makes for an even better deal if you can pair it with a BOGO or great deal to score two boxes with the coupon.

Stack coupons on brands that you like to save even more on cereal. Recently, Target had Kashi Berry cereal on sale for $2.75 and you could use a $1 MQ and a $1 Target coupon to get it for only $0.75, a great deal on this brand!

Good luck saving lots of money on cereal!


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