COFFEH: Red Robin

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Good food, good sidekick.


Jason Mistretta says:

4:00. From the title of the video, I thought that this was going to be about the Red Robin restaurant chain–hahaha.

eyzmaster says:

Haha! Loved this video! XD
Nerdy ramblings, super-attachment to lil' usb-drives. You are so awesome!! :'3

Lapis17 says:

If I did come off as a Robin snob, Dodger, I apologize.

Lapis17 says:

Technically there's Dick, Jason, Tim, Stephanie Brown (temporarily, like 3 or 4 issues), Tim again, then Damien lol. Plus an alternate reality Robin, Carrie Kelly. As for Red Robin, Dick from an alt Earth was a Red Robin, Jason was Red Robin for a while, and then Tim. I don't mean to come off as a Robin snob or anything, I'm just a big fan of Dick, Jason, and Tim and just wanted to let you know.

Hykky says:

I came here only to see your pretty sneeze lady!

Lily McFarlin says:

I hope I'm not the only person who thought this video was about the restaurant chain before watching >_<

Nathan Robinson says:

Ever read Strangers in Paradise?

Nathan Robinson says:

It'll be awesome when Dodger ends up with a comic book writer. Tears of joy folks.

Joseph rivas says:

ooh that sneez was kinda cute. That sounds kinda weird but it was a adorable sneez what can i says

Oscar Hallgren says:

You know that every-time you sneeze you pass out for a short short time, right? 🙂

mrah101 says:

when i saw the title i was thinking of the resturant and not the batman robin or bird. i guess im a fatty ding dong.

IHeart16Bit says:

I miss Fawx Tails! 🙁

MrATrainFromTheCity says:

Stephanie brown, she was the 4th robin, she replaced tim for a while

Alismar151 says:

Just got out of work at Red Robin a.k.a. the dirty bird and saw this in the suggested videos, lol

aristotle29 says:

girlie sneeze

Peter Nequest says:

lol, she's been threatening to sneeze for a while now. but OMG cutest sneeze ever… And Mikkx i've sneezed and dislocated my jaw, no stairs involved.

Glenn Gutenberg says:

if i had seen ur channel 9 months ago when these videos were current i would totally try to stay up and watch the entire 24 hour show

darkinertia2 says:

you make me happy when you say you love deadpool….best character EVAR along with cap and wolverine but everyone love them lol

Sheldon Williamson says:

Tim Drake kicks ass!!!

shellavation says:


healingflute says:

you:"i knew it. I knew it was coming. i felt it." 3:09
me"That what she said!

im really into the office. I wonder if u watch it and if u do what do u think of it?

Alexander Thomas says:

Deadpool's awesome. I loved his space adventures. Now he's back on Earth, trying to kill himself.

War624 says:

Tim muthafuckin Drake

Tom Kullin says:

That is not red robin

pete275 says:

isn't there a female robin from the Dark Knight Returns series? She talked weird? I kinda blocked her out

Tim Drake says:

You are truly awesome and spazy in the best kind of way. About the USB. That is the One Year Later Design of Tim Drake Robin, Red Robin wears a cowl like Batman's but without ears. I know I am super nerdy, but, it is what it is lol.

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