Couponing 101: Go shopping with The Krazy Coupon Ladies

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Close Krazy Coupon Ladies, Heather Wheeler and Joanie Demer take you along with them on one of their “extreme couponing” trips. Learn how to save real money on real food that you and your family will want to eat!


Taylor Chambers says:

This is why people are missing using coupons because of these videos. I hope one day they just get rid of coupons.

Carole Hall says:

Using coupons is a good idea but to stock pile like that it is all dead food, would'nt it make sense to grow a garden and learn how to can your own food, be much healthier I would think, all food past the produce section is dead food with no nutritional value except maybe frozen veggies and fruits.

Hooson Liao says:

Can someone tell me where I can get the manufacture coupons ?

KingRatt says:

Does it concern about where the food is made? More and more food all the time is not made in the USA. This is of great concern to me.

Lina Aya says:

I wish they upload new videos with deals

Traci K says:

Good video.  Thanks for share

Natasha Angelique says:

Oh and in case anyone is interested I'm "thrifty Chic Mom" and I have a booth of pre-owned name brand clothing for kids, men and women at Great Prices! I sell Ralph Lauren, Lacoste, baby lots etc. and I also have a make an offer feature too 🙂 I refuse to buy anything full price so I thought I would share this here with all the other bargain hunters 🙂

Natalie D. says:

Thanks for the tips! I was wondering though, I have a tena coupon I got by mail. It says up to 7$ off does this mean if I buy a 5$ item it will be free or will I get 2$ overage??

Marisol Martinez Peterson says:

Ok, so a Catalina is an instant in store coupon?  Because I understood on the "Exteme Coupon Walmart" series, a Catalina was a specific product, specifc price, specific brand.  Can someone explain a Catalina??

betty waldeck says:

I stack dog food coupons all the time at winn* Dixie. as well with their spen $55. and  get $5.00 off to so I saved $33.70 off my whole order. so I do most of my shopping at winndixie.

iamdiva says:

I totally agree about the young, male cashiers. They are the best (especially at Publix)!!!

SuperGirl1970 Carver says:

being bigot is to be general, my mom is like that. She once was watching food channel on hot dogs. and called the Americans food as stupid.

GreenSkyFalling says:

Secondly I'll try to keep your advice in mind while I'm doing my best to NOT spend money, needlessly hoarding and stockpiling. I'll leave creating false trends in supply and demand in your capable hands. After all I'll need to save as much as possible if I'm going to afford the prices people like you are driving the market to. Thanks for the chat, much nicer than most of the demeaning antagonistic self righteous babble coupon heads berate me with while trying to insist I'm beneath them.

GreenSkyFalling says:

First of all, I'm using YOU as a generality: meaning YOU coupon users. How could I know if you have children, or are on WIC? So yes, you're right to find it hard to believe I would imply that. Congratulations. As for some cashiers bad habits, maybe that comes from dealing with numerous tight wads wasting the time and energy of everyone in line and behind the register, causing stress and abusing a privilege, then insulting and belittling workers who are there often as a 2nd or 3rd job.

tbone2918 says:

There != they're

oobertuberdude says:

Ibotta is the best app ever…u can actually earn money on it!!!
1.They pay you everytime you or your parents buy one of your favorite products
2.You actually get paid $10 just for trying the app since its pretty new
3.To sign up just go to your android or iphone’s web browser and in the url section and type bit. ly/earnsome (without any spaces)
4.Now go to appstore or google play, download Ibotta and sign into the account u just created
5.Watch my vid for an overview of the app

Darla says:

Wish we had last year's prices now. Those cheese prices looked good!

Gene Strong says:

Are you going to finish all of these before they expire?

xavier brewington says:

Is she have a baby

Michael Murphy says:


The level of stupidty among people who make comments on YouTube is mind boggling. Just sayin'

Weeping Angel says:

I have been using coupons for years when my husband and I got laid off at the same time I stepped it !! Coupons have saved us a ton and we were able to buy a new car!! Woohoo!! We are back to work but I won't stop clipping ever!!

JT Land says:

why would anyone say anything negative about using coupons!?!? i dont understand

i work a lot, single, does anyone have some good resources as far as a place to start? maybe a comprehensive "beginners guide"?

Nikki Hodson says:

If you had opened your ears, you would have heard that she said that it's important to ALWAYS follow the rules even if they miss it. I DON'T agree with your views and I don't do ANYTHING backhandedly and DON'T subvert! I'll tell you EXACTLY what I think and don't EVER doubt that. The businesses outline a policy for a REASON. They are NOT stupid. If they wanted to stop it, then they are smart enough to make it policy. If you don't like what is contained in these videos, then DON'T WATCH!

GreenSkyFalling says:

So is wasting peoples time, depending on the government, and taking advantage of and misusing promotions that were not meant to be manipulated. It's also immature to be a hypocrite and contradict oneself, with your well thought out reply you attempted to insult me by calling me a sad person and immature (back handed name calling). Perhaps you agree with my views, but just found me immature; we won't know because you didn't bother debating your opinion, rather you choose to subvert, ha! COUPONER!

Nikki Hodson says:

You are a sad, sad person. Name calling is a sign of immaturity.

GreenSkyFalling says:

no. you are lazy. instead of working and improving the economy to lower costs for all you take government short cuts, get on WIC, and print coupons. Most of the time the coupons are duplicates received by opening multiple accounts, or printing multiples. They even talk about finding the right cashier to check out with, ha, what they mean is finding someone naïve and placid enough who will look the other way. But again, you wouldn't understand, because you're a moron.

gunnerstall05 says:

Can't imagine why the best cashier for y'all is men? Maybe cause u both are good lookin women…. Just a thought

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