Coupons 101 – Part 3: Know your stores coupon policy

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Close is a site to share beginner tips, inspiration, and organization in this crazy world of coupons. Stay with me through my Coupon 101 series, here is part 3 talking about the importance of knowing your stores coupons policies.

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Jane Allen says:

Knowing store coupon policy is a must but some seem to change them as they go too lol! Great advice thank you and God bless!

mwinkleraz says:

@msbrezze15 I think you'd have 2 of each coupon. that means $2 off each item making it $4 off total. With only $1 left off two boxes or .50 a box…. if that makes sense 🙂

Bre Ann says:

im so confused if it 2 for 5 n u have 2 coupons for a $1 off each wouldnt dat make it 2 for 3

gracie padilla says:

Thank you for the videos,I have started two days ago! And now I'm just going to see how it goes!

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