Cut Your Holiday Expenses In Half With These Extreme Travel Tips | Extreme Cheapskates

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Follow penny-pincher Angela Leibee throughout her journey to Las Vegas with her daughter. She’ll be revealing her most extreme money saving tips for travelling such as wearing all of your clothes to save on extra baggage costs.

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Kevin Chhun says:

Her daughter is really pretty tbh

Malina L says:

Hahaaaaa😂😂putting all her clothes on lol im dying 😂 poor friend

Judith Martin says:

Omg two showers a week is not enough and if you wanted to be so cheap then why go to Vegas in the first place!

Gabrielle Lynch says:

Bathing twice a week wtf is that That's gross poor kids

EW says:

lmao what the fuck?

Collin Kakos says:

Ewwwww I shower two times a day

ThatGayBoi says:

making tea with a microwave?!


I take 45 minute showers because I play to many sports

Fallen Angel says:

I feel sorry for the kids man

Vienne Animates says:

45 cents I SOO MUCH MONEY 💰

Diana Banderas says:

I’m going a vcay with my family and I’m the only bringing a luggage bag😂

TTV _DR1PC1TY21 says:

She said 45 cents Bitch wtf that’s not a lot

Cheyenne Schulte says:

I take a shower every day. How do they just take a shower twice a week

Crystal Buckler says:

She’s a good friend for putting up with that!

Lavender Villeneuve says:

2 showers that's bullshit

lolimjax says:

i am not used to hearing people say grand prix in the “american” way

Idontwannabeyouanymore says:

When people live this way it makes me think why didn't they seek higher education or get a job or try to AT LEAST get rich or start your own business :/

Philip Simpson says:

If she was my mum and we started arguing I’d just keep all the lights and the shower on
All day 🤣🤣

Theanmolizh Sockiah says:

The milk carton idea was good.The milk carton will lastly end being at the road

barbecue sauce on my titties says:

2 showers a week. Okay no that’s not okay or sanitary at all.

Sad Tsp says:

I take a shower every 2 weeks 😆

Anna Su says:

What are they saving money for? I mean they have a nice house.

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