Cvs Percent Coupon w/CRTs|You need to know! GIVEAWAY WINNERS!

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Learn how to coupon with CVS percentage coupons! See how to accurately calculate how these coupons work! Thanks to all who entered my giveaway!!
Giveaway winners at 5:22


CONGRATS to the mascara winners!
Anna Rose Booher
Estela Rodriguez
Theresa Clement

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Jennifer Maee says:

The non manufacturer crts come off before the percent! Beauty bucks lower the percent coupons! Also the pharmacy rewards lower it! There are ecbs that are not manufacturer ones and they lower the percentage too! All of the ecbs and bbs and CRTs that do not say cvs mfr lower the percent off coupons!

Mrsemptynester says:

yayyy. Thank you. I am so excited. I sent you an email.xoxo

putyourminetoit says:

thank you i just add you

NickMommy Nikki says:


Krystal Lumsdon says:

Congrats to the winners!

Patti Clark says:

I forgot to put that I am in the state of Georgia.

Patti Clark says:

The lip color really looks good on you. We no longer have any availability to the red plum inserts at all and it is hit and miss with the p &g inserts. Never really know what we will. It makes it so hard to plan for the upcoming deals.

Lissa Crane says:

Looks beautiful on you! Perfect color for you-Fall and winter!

Senya Gwynn says:

Hi Ashley!! This lipstick looks great on you!! I have 2 lipsence one bright pink and one brown like what you are wearing. I have the matte and gloss top over as well. I am not a fan 1. Because it smells and doesn't taste good at all. It has a chemical smell and taste. 2. With the taste and smell it makes the price just not worth it at all. I hope this doesn't sound like too Debbie downer. Lol… Great giveaway and video!!💜💜💜

Crazy Clippin says:

Your makeup looks nice….I like the lip color on you…it's cute

Angels Haven says:

LOVIN THE EXPERIMENT! CONGRATS TO WINNERS! How are you guys doin as far as the fires are concerned? I hv been praying for everyone in CA.

Tammy bustle says:

Your welcome, that's awesome I'm definitely gonna have to try it.

Summer Castillo says:

Like the color on you

Cindy Ildefonso says:

congrats to all the winners!! Thank you for this video…eye opener for sure😊😊

Norma Jones says:

CONGRATS to all the winners!! Lol color looks awesome!!

Tammy bustle says:

The lip color is beautiful on you, congratulations to the winners.

Norma Vasquez says:

Congrats to winners !! Ty for sharing

Theresa Clement says:

By the way I love that color lipstick on you, absolutely gorgeous! 💄❤👍

Vanessa Martinez says:

Love your videos! I’m new to couponing and the info you provide has been so helpful! ❤️

Theresa Clement says:

Congratulations winners!!! That's awesome!! ❤❤

Gloria Kito says:

Congratulations to all the winner's

April Hernandez says:

Loving the lip color. I am drawn to colors like that 😍

Juthamas Talapatcharoenkit says:

Hi Ash, I have a question about inserts. Do you still get RP in California cause in my area we didn’t get RP since September. I’m in California

Estela Rodriguez says:

thank you sooo much, I will email you.

Monica Perez says:

Congrats to the winners

karen jones says:

i did my deal on eucerin with the 40% off plus a coupon and the 40% came off first too- nice! i got 3 items, had 3/$3 coupons plus ecb so it was my best deal EVER! so am stocked up for the winter on my favorite moisturizer! your eye lashes look fantastic! congrats to all the mascara winners! thanks for sharing the video, ashley. they are always so informative and helpful. ~k

Sylvia Caldera says:

Congrats winners! Looks great on you beautiful!

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