Cvs, Walgreens & Walmart Haul -Coupon Deals 10/22 to 10/28

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Must have rebate apps:

IBOTTA refferal link:


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Stores I shop/coupon at:
Dollar General
Rite Aid


mary isabell says:

Christa you are such a sweetie . You are a part of my morning – drinking coffee . You are full of character and make me laugh .
Thanks for all your info πŸ’œ

Tambi Abundiz says:

My persil did not work either

Damy V. says:

My digital coupon did not come off either ☹

MeMe says:

I soooo agree! CVS is a PITA now! I agree, smaller transactions r better but harder to do if have larger ECBs.

Fidgetz Family says:

Did not work for me

Kathy Woodard says:

Is it mor meney if you do persil like that

Kathy Woodard says:

What time did you start shopping

Kathy Woodard says:

Do you have any problems with your digital coupons at cvs

Kathy Woodard says:

I am going to do mayballine at cvs atoday and physicians formula

Kathy Woodard says:

Not sure if i want to do purex or persil at cv becasue you can only one coupon at a time

Tips By Mrs. J says:

My digital did not work Saturday night, but it did work on Sunday.

Belleh Hallmark says:

I have a love hate relationship with CVS πŸ˜‚ when the coupons work of coarse I love it but when they don't it makes me so upset BECAUSE WHYYYYY??? It seriously drives me insane!! I have one store that all I have to say is oh my $3 persil didn't come off and they say make sure everything else came off and after I check they take it off manually THEN I HAVE A STORE that won't push thru their stores crt's that are obviously for the right product 😯 it's crazy the difference just by which store I choose!! I always go to the easy going store because my blood pressure can't handle the other store hahaha the only way my digital coupons go thru on their own at CVS is if I buy 1 product in a transaction? So crazy! I try to only use paper coupons at CVS. Good luck and love your Wal-Mart finds 😁

deebeauties says:

Persil was out at both cvs I went too. I saw they had a 2 rebate on saving star. I also had a $5 on Gliss and $2 on Got2B. I just bought 2 got2b instead. Had a 4 off 18 so everything worked out fine and was free plus a small money maker.

Martha Hernandez says: has Persil $3.00 coupons.. My paper coupon worked and so did my CVS DIGITAL COUPONS. Thx again for awesome video. Your awesome. Get your rest. 😴 Have blessed day. πŸ˜‡

Heather Chun says:

Digital Persil coupon did NOT work.

Cristina Gonzalez says:

My digital q didn't come off!!

Angels Haven says:

I had my 1st major problem last week at cvs. They made ALL the excuses over the CRT not scanning, when it shld hv scanned. I just gave up, paid for what i had and came home.

Angels Haven says:

I did not get a digital coupon for persil.

Fla Familia says:

Persil Digital Coupon Didn't Work For Me Either

Debbie Keller says:

Love the LOVE Marque!

Amy Stotts says:

The $3 Persil came off just fine for me, which is unusual.

Rosana Alvarado says:

I got a $4 off $40 Catalina for rite aid and i don't know what 2 use it onπŸ˜”πŸ˜”

arleneorozco0326 says:

If you have a 99cent Store out there, they sell name brand makeup for .99 cents too!!!!

Shannon England says:

I’d love to come stay a week with u and coupon and chit chat!!!!!

Mary Mills says:

I've been getting the Maybelline pore eraser and I'm loving it! I've been sticking up past month πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

LadyMekah says:

I didn't have an issue with my digital Persil coupon coming off.

Mary Mills says:

I did not use my digital.. I'm sorry I used paper coupons..

Mary Mills says:

Your eyeshadow is #banging girl
I love it!!!

Francie Webb says:

The persil app coupon did not come off. I had to hand her a paper coupon.

Robbie Warren says:

The persil did not come off for me

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