Drupal 7 Ubercart Discount Coupons Module and Automatic Discounts – Advanced Ubercart Sites #3

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You can now purchase the entire series on advanced e-commerce sites with Drupal 7 and Ubercart at http://torontowebsitedeveloper.com/creating-advanced-ubercart-sites-drupal-7

In this Drupal video tutorial, we install the Ubercart Discount Coupon Module and I show you how to configure it to create general coupons users can use at the checkout, create coupons that are automatically emailed to a user after they purchase a specific product and lastly, to create coupons that are automatically applied to an order based on the number of products in the cart.


Marwan Alkhalil says:

Thanks a lot! Is there a way to send an email to a person that isn't involved in the checkout? I'm using this module as a way to make gift cards, and I need to make whoever buys a gift card be able to send it directly to the person they want to gift it to, through my website. Thanks.

Rupam Mukherjee says:

very good tutorial.
Many many thanks, Dude.

Prairie Brew Supply says:

I'm trying to add an automatic coupon for 9 specific products based on the number of each item being ordered.  if a customer orders 16 of one of the specific items he gets a 20% discount if he orders 16 of one of the other specific items he also gets a the same 20% discount on that item as well.  Do I need to make a separate rule for each specific item.  Cant seem to figure it out by making one rule.

Devendra Rathore says:

Hey dude nice job. A lot of thanks ……..

Can you please some help me about ubercart filtration ?

Joseph Coco says:

2:20 Basic set up after install
4:07 Creating a basic coupon
8:50 New coupon created and emailed when order completed
12:21 Automatic discount to order depending on how much user spends or number of items in cart (tiered)
18:49 New coupon created and emailed when a new user registers

Thanks for the video! I overthought the Rules trigger and thought that Automatic coupon discount was triggering when automatic coupon discounting was applied, not when it would POTENTIALLY be applied. I love your pacing.

Артем Гайцук says:

thank you 

prabhneet arora says:

Hey Pete, awesome job on the videos…!!!!
helped me a lot…!!!

Muhammad AL-Najar says:

Hello Pete, what do you think is better ubercart or drupal commerce for marketplace .. and thanks alot for your tutorial .. 

Ying Zhang says:

Thanks a lot for this useful and clear video!  Exactly what I was looking for, especially the auto discount coupon part!  Thanks!

Ilyas Mohammed says:

Oh sorry wrong vedio.
Thanks very much for the tutorial. This all was about import. Any ideas for doing an export. I have a non functional d6 site with products. I have got a new design for a new D7 site. I want to transfer the products. Is Views_Data_export is a good way to export from D6. Thanks.
Oh sorry wrong vedio.

Al Mn says:

Pete is awesome.

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