Extreme Ways To Save Money On Groceries: Cut Your Grocery Bill In Half

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Extreme Ways To Save Money On Groceries: Cut Your Grocery Bill In Half
Here are some extreme ways to save money on groceries if money is really tight or you want to save the money for a special purpose.

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@stevehartman1730 says:

I think the prob w obesity in USA is because.several years ago bout 1975 or so food went from mostly organic to hybrids. Hybrids contain onlt 10% of vitamins nutrients etc of organics. So peoples bodies are craving the minerals vitamins n such so they eat a lot more than they would if they ate organic. Economicly it bout evens out to same but your healthier.

@mjflorida1335 says:

I make my own broth. When i clean vegetables, i save the scraps that most people throw out and use it to make both (onion ends, carrots peels and ends, broccoli ends, green been tips, etc) It's delicious and basicially free.

@yellowbird5411 says:

It is important to know that if you are buying cheap foods, that they must have good nutrition. It doesn't help to be eating cheap processed foods most of the day, and letting your body starve for nutrients. Each meal you eat should contain healthy, fresh fruits and vegetables. Too many seniors I used to visit in my job practically lived on crackers, Pop Tarts, canned soup, chips, soda and pre-packaged frozen meals. They were some of the sickest folks I've seen. With limited income, we may be cutting our health out of the picture, and when we cannot figure out why we don't have any energy, and why the doctor is saying our blood pressure is going up and our blood sugars are putting us in pre-diabetes, look at diet. Whole foods will fill you up a lot better than processed, so while you may spend more on an apple than some corn chips, it will fill you up, and you can't "eat the whole bag." Because we can binge on junk food, it doesn't come out cheaper in the long run. A bag of corn chips may cost $2.99 ($3.00), and we can eat it all with dip. But how many apples, at .75 each can you eat? See?

@diannedean390 says:

Eat a lot of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches they're delicious and cheap

@lintlamb8397 says:

PS : I just drink tea, coffee and water- no sweetner in the drinks. Also, when I cook, I cook about 8 to 12 portions- then I freeze in individual portions. That way you can have delicious home-cooked food every day. Portioning before you freeze helps you eat in sensible amounts.

@lintlamb8397 says:

I've just recently learned to make biscuits and pancakes. Although I am 64, I would usually buy prepared quick breads and waffles, instead of making them. Making them is much less expensive. I am learning portion control, too. I retired recently, and not having to move as much has really cut down on my calorie requirements. I compare myself to a fat dog, or horse. If I am fat, it is because I am feeding myself too much. A real eye opener for me, is to realize that whether I eat four portions, or just one, I am still hungry a few hours after eating…so I shoot for one portion, and consider the wait for more food an exercise in character and will power. I just discovered your channel, and will subscribe. I've enjoyed listening to your tips and reflections. Thanks!

@joycook1191 says:

My Dr. told me margarine is real bad for you. He said use butter, but just use small amounts. Snacks, are real expensive, like potato chips, you can buy lbs of potatoes, for what you pay for a bag of potatoe chips, and they most brands have do much salt. Cooking at home simple meals save alot. Alot of restaurant, use margarine, and they don't change their oil when they deep fry, where it makes like French fries taste,almost rancid. Not all restaurants, but I've noticed this with alot of fast foods. Frozen veggies, and fruit are better, alot of fresh produce isn't that great.

@erikaletty says:

I buy margarine because it’s cheaper and does the job but butter has a much better flavor

@joanjohnson9821 says:

Controling your portions is a whole lot easier when you avoid the high fructose corn syrup and natural flavors (not really natural). Makes us crave more, and not feel full, beware!

@grammamary7283 says:

Keep the coffee!!!! Minnesota here and grew up in Wisconsin on margarine…. I buy butter… it’s real food and use it only on the food where I can enjoy the taste… can substitute applesauce in recipes for fats

@rochellethundercloud346 says:

I stopped eating out,no junk food,no pop,no sugary crap.no prepackaged foods,no processed foods.
I'm buying FOOD.
Not a chemistry lab

@coettahannah3403 says:

Good video. It would Not be coffee. My favorite food. It makes other food taste better. Could give up most other foods except sweets.

@michelleholmes5251 says:

I had to do this when I had my third child. She was a newborn and I wasn’t working. My son was 7 and needed a lot of therapy, which was very expensive. Basically, I did what you’ve described…cut back the meat, ate beans, lentils, rice and soups, used frozen vegetables and baked all snacks from scratch. We made it through, and it taught me to live a much simpler life. Now that I work full time, we simply spend more money?!

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