Family Coupon Shop at ASDA (5th June 2015) Saving 49% | Holly Vlogs

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Please watch: “Teaching a family how to save money in two weeks!”


Emma Vlogs says:

Idk why I am a kid and I love watching these videos

Yvonne Wyatt says:

i dont live n da uk can i still use da coupons

Sister Se says:

I tried printing off coupons online but it just won't let me is there a way to download them?

Dara carkery says:

the following link for more details about our new website designed for a while ago I had the chance of the best way is the only way you could you please confirm the receipt and the best can you please get the request from the 22nd of May 2017 what do you get a talk to you ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha this would be good if you get better things been stupid and sings the title Spain Taylor Swift song trouble in the town

Linda Minton says:

Hi, I am an American and I have recently moved to the uk with my British husband. I shopped at Walmart in Florida,
which is ASDA here. I am curious to know where you can get coupons for products in the UK. I have always used coupons in America, but have never seen one here yet. Any tips would be very appreciated🌴.

Tamzin Kelsall says:

When will you do another couponing video?! I have lots of coupons and love to coupon because of you! Thanks so much I help my parents out a lot with them. Unfortunately, they aren't as popular here in the uk, but I get what I can!

Martin n Carol Piper says:

Great stuff Holly! Thanks for doing this xx

Wendy Stanbury says:

Thank you so much for sharing your shop round Asda, I've now printed coupons off the Super Savvy Me website (got some Aussie wash today – it's lush!) and have signed up to Shopitize & Check Out Smart!  Have now subbed to your channel!  Thanks again, Wendy

Shirley Graham says:

I have tried to print vouchers but couldn't! Help!

Sar1386 says:

I'm going to Asia tomorrow with a whole bunch of coupons, can't wait, it's my first big coupon shop!

Joanne Coleman says:

Where did you get the Aussie voucher from please?

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