Find Bond Value – annual vs semiannual coupons

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@paulchansa4318 says:

Well explained lecture madam, thank you

@katarinaspackova6975 says:

I just discovered your videos! They are so helpful, thank you so much!

@randomjammer1854 says:

Is it a discount bond or coupon bond ?

@NN-ct8vj says:

How can we calculate this in simple calculator, because this one is not allowed in exam

@jonneyblack4458 says:

This is the best explanation of this that I've heard! Thank you!

@bethamwakidimi4086 says:

Life saver🙃

@jafferleibiofficial8587 says:

Brilliant lecture

@mirandainambao7138 says:

Am failing to use the calculator. What formula can I used so that I follow step by step

@alexeypiletskiy9958 says:

Thank you!
Can you explain please what is the difference between yield to maturity 11% and coupon rate 8% ?

@tintamalambo444 says:

How do you do this without a present value calculator??¿

@bryanlee5063 says:

Hello! In theory, shouldn't the semi annual bond have a higher pv due to more frequent payments?

@RMaxon says:

Very helpful content. Thank you

@Standbyualways says:

Thank you, you're a great helper. Keep it up a good work!!

@shareesh4184 says:

Simple for that pv= coupen interest((1-1/(1+r)n/r))+ fv/(1+r)n here r means rate of interest fv face value

@samanthanobuhledirwai412 says:

So simply and very well explained. Thank you so much. Now I need to get myself a calculator like yours ☺

@gnlilu6972 says:

Thank you 🙏 so much for this!

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