Focus: Melkor/Morgoth (Part 2)

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A Brief History of Melkor, from his release after imprisonment to the breaking of the Two Trees and his flight to Middle-Earth. Based on the “Lord of the Ring” Series as well as the expanded Universe Writings by J. R. R. Tolkien.


Release from prison




Two Trees

Silmarils and Finwe

Flight to Middle Earth

Sons of Finwe



Elves of Middle Earth

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Shreyas Chauhan says:

I know that galadriel saw the two trees. Did anyone else that helped them defeat Morgoth?

Book Hills says:

Why did Melkor except the new name.

Jacr 14 says:

Melkor is just satan

NaViLlUs cIrE says:

3:01 Aaaww that's kinda adorable Galadriel, was so excited (given the circumstances, lol) to see middle-earth and see all it's wonders.

p.s. I can just imagen uncle Feanor bouncing his little niece (like 5 or 6 years old) Galadriel, on his knee telling ever more wondrous (and ever more embelished!) tales from his travels through middle-earth.

2WorldWar2 says:

I think it's hilarious how Melkors sole purpose in life is to fuck with his brothers and be a total dick.

matthew mann says:

Morgoth is the Tolkienverse version of Unicron of Transformers Universe

TheChosen2030 says:

why was morgoth evil for

Immortal Gaming says:

Why would any of them even listen to the literal incarnation of evil….

LilFlame2001 says:

If Galadriel went with Fingolfin, and thus was a part of the elves mentioned in Mandos's prophecy, why was she allowed to return to the Undying lands after the War of the Ring?

Vladan Markov says:

(As far as I remember) Morgoth didn't actually betrayed Ungoliant, because he never promised to give her the silmarils. Ungoliant drank the light from the two trees and become bigger and more thirsty and she asked for more light. Morgoth gave her some lesser jewels and she became even bigger and still asked for more. Morgoth was only left with the silmarils and he refused to give them to her, and that's why she attacked him.

Angry Slav says:

Oh man… this whole time, I was thinking that Shelob IS actually Ungoliant, just had like two names… damn… now i feel stupid…

Nayyab Mughal says:

Who's more powerful Sauron or Morgoth?

Jordan Stepleton says:

Cirdan, the shipwright, was around during this time!? He was part of the council of Elrond in Rivendell if I'm not mistaken.

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Focus: Skin Changers Focus: Demons of the Ancient World-Balrogs Focus: Dead Men of Dunharrow

Minato D Roger says:

Stupid Faenor sigh great video though. Man tulkas really didn't like Melkor as did Varda they really didn't trust him

John Lanouette says:

Great Video! Where do you think the Ungoliant came from originally? Who created her?

Moises Munoz says:

Damn you Feanor!!!

tito bonilla says:

When is the next game of thrones coming

Charlie In Westeros says:

Woot! Something awesome to wake up to! Thanks for more LotR lore!

协谢懈薪邪 Belg says:

who would win between sargearas and morgoth?

Matador 303 says:

And where did ungoliath go? did she died?

Matador 303 says:

I have one question why do the valar have a giant spider south of their kingdom? Didn't they know about her?

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