Free Groceries Prank

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The cashier has some trouble with the scanning device so she just gives them the items. Obviously, the customers beep on the way out, so the manager shows up.

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A presentation of JustForLaughsTV, the official Just For Laughs Gags YouTube channel. Home of the funniest, greatest, most amazing, most hilarious, win filled, comedy galore, hidden camera pranks in the world!


Grigore Simion says:

It's so funny, let's go Brandon.

kyle Lee says:

would be even better if there were police around.

Mikela Perry says:


Dimaz says:

when was the prank taken? coz I don't know any of the pranksters 😁😁

Fabian Sanchez says:

Whats the name of the tune in this vid?

Тилек Толонбаев says:

Maybe some of them refused saleswoman offer but they didn't show us. Muslims never would agree with that haram(forbidden act)!

M. L. says:

Awesome !!!!
I love the music and the acting of the cashier ! She's so natural.

BarcodeBoy666 says:

haha, great video !

M. L. says:


BarcodeBoy666 says:

Hahahaha !!

Robert Jones says:


jareer jareer says:

I thought old people never break the law

Madjid Idjennaden says:

Mon dieu c'est un paradis sur terre

Jordan Bronson says:

OMG, hahahahahahahahahaha! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Messi Azimy says:

JFL are the most professional pranksters. Not those “it’s a prank bro” assholes

joy Burkey says:

Where was this filmed? I've seen the Canadian, Asian, and British gags and don't recognize any of these actors!

Saret GNasoh says:

This is funny lol

Mike Litoris says:


Paul Rodriguez says:

So they did have to pay at the end?

Grise Blacolar says:

How does those alarms work? When I was a child, I bumped into one of those and it alarm but in here it detects shoplifters..

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