Getting Coupons in the Mail How To – Mail Call

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Ever wonder how to get Coupons delivered right to you? Well wonder no more! It’s as easy as writing a short email to the manufacturer!

Here is one of many great sites with a list of multiple companies that you can write to!

You may have to copy and paste the link to your browser address bar​/apple-a-day-master-list

Here is another list

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Coupon Brenda says:

Can you please share what your email letters say when you contact these companies please?  I was able to do the first one by pausing and playing as I typed lol 

AmandaNBen carter says:

I want to thank you so much I am abundantly inspired to follow your wonderful advice 🙂 I am currently in the process of arranging a helping hand to my nearest food banks. This advice was such a blessing. Thank you so much for taking the time for sharing your God given wisdom! x0x0x Blessings x0x0x

lay le says:

can you please have a link to your letter i love it lol..

donaldgheckel says:

Good and strait to the point. I would like to try this and I may write back to let you know of my success.

creativekittenvt says:

Don't forget writing to companies if you purchase unsatisfactory product from the company.

MrDesoto1 says:

Thanks for the tip!
I just sent off a bunch of emails to many on the companies on the freecoupons list.
Getting coupons in the mail ought to be nearly as good as getting money in the mail.

CouponCarole says:

Excellent video! Thanks for sharing this great information!

Mandy Haseltine says:

awesome info! i will be sharing this with my readers. they have been asking about how to get good food coupons. so thanks. 🙂

Shelli9000 says:

Great tips, Thanks Dan!!!

catcrazycreations says:

Another great video. I had never thought about requesting coupons by mail. I think I'm going to give it a try. Thanks for Sharing!

couponer740 says:

Thanks, very good information!

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