Golden Corral speaks out about picture

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District manager says don’t always believe what you hear.


Shannon Evangelista says:

Clearly these people have never been slammed working at a restaurant with no help before. Why not do a story on how we can feed hungry kids or some meaningful. Get over yourselves.

Eaeez says:

Only twice in my life, I've had food poisoning, once was at Golden Corral

Alex Alex says:

What's the big deal? Dirty dishes are definitely allowed in the pit…. literally the place they go to be washed…. these people are retarded…

Mrs Green says:

He had no business going in their kitchen.

Vicky Landing says:

That’s a lie washing dishes manual is unacceptable But the lady would not eat at no Golden corral after seeing that picture she ally and the devil in hell is a lie and she read behind him and in front of them and on the side of her that’s unacceptable and Winco we get the hell out of you lady

Daniel H says:

Being a dishwasher myself this is 100 percent true there will just be mountain's of dishes pots and pans it is insane just seeing how much stuff come's back to be washed. And when they said a dish washing machine is not required telling you right now that is a load of crap if restaurant's did not have those machine's you would be cleaning dishes all night and probably all of the following day by hand with probably very little to no help at all from anyone else.

Gabe Mesa says:

For real, I only lasted like three four days at the Golden corral by my house cuz it was a really hard shift to work. And I have worked some hard dishes shifts in my life. The biggest thing for me there was the trash chute, it was very impractical, ineffective and difficult to use.

Star Cherry says:

I’ve been telling people for years to quit eating at buffets
Especially Golden Corral
Dishes always have dirty spots on them

DishLive says:

Yes, I’m sure the picture was photoshopped.🙄😆

david diehl VA says:

What about the food poisoning cases.
Problem has been solved, they're out of business.

♡ Ashley Elyse ♡ says:

I appreciate you all for washing the dishes. I hate doing dishes.

Keven Salazar says:

As a former dishwasher, i confirm this is 100% accurate.

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