Groceries for $14 – Living On Social Security

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Groceries for $14 – Living On Social Security

In this video, Jill shows what she bought for $14 for groceries this week. How to save money on groceries.

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Living On A Dime To Grow Rich says:

❀️ Eat Better Spend Less! ❀️Dining On A Dime Cookbook πŸ‘

Karen Brutting says:

I let you know a while ago I don't waste anythinig. I have lost my job and your ideas have helped. I gardened with vegetables, some fruit and make everything from scrath. Your ideas are helping me. I never go to grocery store until their best sales. Shoping about every 6 weeks during pandemic. Getting milk from family and friends dropping off. Tried to let friends know about stocking up before pandemic they touhgt I was fooling. One friend is so over whelm. What can I do for her she doesn't cook and even talking to her is to much for her but I want to help her?…I have baked bread, ( from yeast that expired 2017) given to those who need, and I help my family by bringing eggs and extras… keeps giving ideas….

ReverendRV says:

Yes; managing serving sizes is my downfall…

Chris Terwilliger says:

just found your channel! Love it. . and I so appreciate the comment about making food our God. . . that is so true! My hubby is a heart patient but we are also on a budget .. so we do the best we can .. . we leave the rest to the good Lord πŸ™‚ God bless you both.

Reba Carmack says:

Cleaned out my fridge today found stuff that we bought this week at 3x’s the price- had we checked we wouldn’t have purchased- I used to keep fridge and pantry inventories.Hopefully this chaos will change some bad or frivolous habits

Paws Not Claws says:

I usually don’t meal plan either I just use what’s in my cabinets πŸ˜‚

Sherry Turley says:

Does your mother have a vlog of her own? Would love watch her, as i am older also.

nb112953 says:

A note on dehydrating foods…you can purchace frozen veggies and fruits on sale and dehydrate them . Some leftovers can be dehydrated. Home grown herbs can be dehydrated. Cheese can be dehydrated and used in mac n cheese. Soured milk can be made into Panera cheese…cottage cheese…yogurt. Leftover veggie scraps can be frozen and used in end of the week soup or dehydrated. I purchased a hand freshfood food saver. I asked for the jar attachments for Christmas….i got 3 sets of jar attachments. Now i can dehydrate food…seal it and put it in the pantry. The dehydrated food will last up to 10 years. Instead of canning this year im dehydrating most of my food. I didnt even notice an increase in my electric bill when i had 3 dehydrators going 24/7. GREAT WAY TO PRESERVE FOOD.

nb112953 says:

After the kids leave home i switched out all my pots n pans for small pots n pans. I just cook what ill eat because i dont like eating the sam stuff after the third day of leftovers. I eat two meals a day and im good the rest of the day.

Peggy Ghirardello says:

Tara u look tired

Rhonda Wiggins says:

Love you guys!😍

Mary Swindell says:

I am a single mom of a 12 yr old and I need to know how I can stretch with what I get each month. I get $180 in food stamps and I get money from the VA because of my late husband of serving in the military. After I pay my household bills it leaves me about $100 a month for things that are non food items. How do I stretch all that out for an entire month. That's been my biggest concern.

Stacy A says:

I know this is an older video, but I love when your mom is on with you. Any new podcast episodes coming out? LOVE the podcast!

Richard Smith says:

Loved in Australia too.

Cece Ali says:

It’s crazy am pescatarian and my budget for food is $80 a month nothing more. I can’t understand how some spend 400 a month on food it’s mind blowing

Little Squirrel says:

I think this really depends where you live. Where I live and the surrounding I would say 45 miles a gallon of milk is about $6 or just under that. If I spend 250 just 399 for a loaf of bread I've considered it a good deal. So, maybe out in the midwest or some place your prices are a lot more reduced this could be possible but even a small bag of rice here is $3.50

Ellen Molloy says:

This is radically positive, both economically and environmentally. If I did this, I would no longer be a wage-slave.

Charlene O'Neill says:

I like your mom.
My great grandma useto do that.
She was healthy

Michelle Sunshinestar says:

Thank you guys soooooooooo much.

Tami Weber says:

Great Video πŸ’–

Glitter Girl says:

I just love your Mom!! ❀️ She has given me such inspiration to save money. I live on Disability as well.

Donna Brown says:

I love you girls you are sooo funny I love your videos been so helpful thank you much God bless you two!! πŸ˜‡πŸ˜

critic unknown says:

Thanks video

natalie ferrin says:

How do you freeze milk

Mary T. says:

do you have an extra little freezer or just the one on your fridge? My gramma had a little one in her bedroom. now that I am alone I have been wondering what to do.

Carolyn Jordan says:

My mom always says if you have milk bread, butter and eggs even if you don't have any thing elese the house to eat, that is a meal. Mom always caned the garden food sowe never ever went Hungr.Dad always had a garden so we always had food to eat mom caned a lot. To save money cut down the caust of going to the store as
, we were always Thankful for what we had.Thank you and have a fantastic day And God Bless you.sorry my tab won't let me fix it.

Michele Meacham says:

Jill … I LOVE those Sausage Gravy Pot Pies!!!

Janice Rigsbee says:

One thing I do is I call manufacturers and ask them to send me coupons and I used them to get things I usually cannot afford

Jennifer Langston says:

Good point about not stressing about food. With the way the crops are looking in the midwest, we may have some scarcity very soon with wheat, corn, and other vegetables. However, we cannto sit and worry that we don't have enough food. The Bible clearly states that we are to ask for provision day by day. That's not to say we just sit back and don't try to work to earn money to get stuff (for those that can work). My hubby has been worrying about that, but one of the elders in the church told him that he trusts the Lord for provision, so he doesn't worry about those things.

I think we have a lot of people waiting with their hand out for someone else to provide for them. (And I'm NOT saying this is Tawra or Jill). We are getting help with food right now because my pay is low and hubby is going back to school. But we both worked full time for a long time, so I'm not going to turn away help that we need. But I am working to the best of my ability to do my part. If your part is to keep the house running on a tight budget, that's a full job right there. If you have to work and your spouse stays home with the kids, that's cool too. We just do what we have to do to make it.

I for one am SO GRATEFUL for dining on a dime and the cookbook to help me save $. And that savings goes to help pay for diapers, new shoes for growing feet, and school supplies for hubby going back to school.

Bri A says:

At that rate of money coming in, she is eligible for so many things for low-income seniors (you can own your own home and still quality). I hope she is accessing the programs that offer lower phone, utility costs, and the SNAP program for seniors. She has worked hard her whole life, and she should take advantage of these programs, because she has paid into them.

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