How to coupon for beginers video: Amazing tips!

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How to coupon!
Amazing couponing tips for beginers!
What to do and what NOT to do when beginning to coupon.




Juanita RB says:

I don't have a CVS over here. I only have Walmart Walgreens and Target

Beatrica Givens says:

Mobile app coupons that pays you to used them at your favorite store

daschundloverable says:

I bought a laser Dell mono printer at Staples or online – I don't remember, but I paid $56 for it.  I always used ink-jet ones and refilled them, which saved a lot of money; however, my old one bit the dust 2 February's ago and bought the same HP, ran out of ink right away so I tried refilling it and for the first time of years of having no problems refilling it, a screen kept popping up telling me I had to buy a new cartridge. So after buying a $20 something cartridge, the frigging thing broke……….new cartridge and all.  I did some research and found out that even though the toner for the laser printer is more expensive……………I am still using the original after printing over 500 pages of coupons…………….and the toner icon has not gone down much.  I highly recommend the DellE514dw to save $ on printing.  Staples has some really good buys on paper too.  I got 5 reams for like $5 or less.  Got lots of paper and toner.  Very happy with my purchases.

jody huntsman says:

Great Misti

Jessica Sanchez says:

Where did you buy your insert holder at and how much?

BP Wilson says:

Thank you for breaking this down for me. I've dabbled but not enough to make a difference but now I know why I wasn't great at it. I need to learn one store first like you mentioned in the beginning of your video. Thank you for having such a helpful and sharing spirit about you!

Claudia Garza says:

very helpful, thumbs up! ☺

lenatunji says:

What is an ECB? You said this video is for beginners, but you keep using this term. Maybe I missed it?

Vicky Wilcox says:

Thank You!!! I've been watching video's (dreadfully) for the past couple of hours and when I was ready to give up, I came across you. You have given more helpful information in your 17 minutes than I've seen all night. Kudos!

mirandaandkenneth says:

I’m trying to find a way to organize my coupons the binder option is so time consuming! Is it difficult to know what the best deals are with your method by having so many older inserts at the same time? When you are looking at sale ads how can you remember that you have a coupon for a particular item if they aren’t organized in categories?

Camile McMillan says:

Yes I’m going to start i can’t wait thank you so very much i was lost for a minute.

Shannon Cook says:

My mom does that same "cut out my coupons and throw the rest away" thing too.  I see her every day.  You'd think she would remember to bring me those… alas, no.

Wagna Jones says:

I do the same with my coupons. Great way to do.

Wagna Jones says:

Both your tips in the beginning of the video is so true. Learning one store at time is great and the "is what it is" is so true, I've learned to let go and sit and wait for the deal to come around.

Kaley Bean says:

love your videos!!! can you do a video on how to coupon a DG? I am super confused on how people use multiple accts.. etc..:)

aorellana628 says:

I buy my Sunday papers from the dollar tree but I find that a lot of the big value coupons are not in there. This has happened to me week after week and I have tried buying the paper from different dollar trees but seems to still always be the case. I even compared the coupons from another Sunday paper sold else where and sure enough the coupons were different and there were more in the one I didn't get from dollar tree.

Cinthia Neofytides says:

thank you for all the great tips you have given me I appreciate it I'm one of the newbies and I love watching your video

Laura L says:

Great tips!! 🌺🌺👍

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