How To Coupon

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Amber from Coupon Connections teaches how to get started couponing.


An angel eyes production says:

ty this was a wonderful video Loved the tips. Never thought about stapling the coupons together to cut out that was an awesome tip.

LiLDuMPliN says:

I love looking out that window

dacinbrasil says:

You're thrifty yet willing to pay $87 for a 10 cent cup of coffee at SB?????

Zarina Dedekaeva says:

i finded coupons here >

Jeff Hendricks says:

five minutes in her old man messed her hair up ha ha

jouxpane says:

oh my goodness, you're beautiful. That made 13min. seem fast.

WhatAlexThinksAbout says:

I just posted my first cvs couponing video! Yours are great! Any tips? Comment or even subscribe- I'd love it!

Blake Marcy says:

This is such an amazing introduction video for couponing!! Thank you, this helped so much!

Lynn M says:

Hi Amber…well, after buying all the equipment, I can't clip coupons because we have very minimal in our local paper and I can't print out coupons because i don't own a printer and don't want one….so my couponing is basically non-existent…unless you have any bright ideas for me. Take care.

oobertuberdude says:

Ibotta is the best app ever…u can actually earn money on it!!!
1.They pay you everytime you buy one of your favorite products…great for couponers
2.You actually get paid $10 just for trying the app since its pretty new
3.To sign up just go to your android or iphone’s web browser and in the url section and type bit. ly/earnsome (without any spaces)
4.Now go to the appstore or google play, download Ibotta and sign into the account u just created
5.Update (I now have $88 in paypal)

madyson raney says:

amber why do you staple the coupons i mean what if the coupon says one coupon per purchase for the same coupon

Aleesha Hannahs says:

Do you make a box for each store? Can you explain the inside of the box a bit better?

XRevolution12 says:

I will start doing coupons and thx for the idea
Btw cute and smart ur husband is lucky
= )

ggrimaldo1 says:

Thank you, I like your idea. I worry that I will look funny, " a man with his coupon box in the grocery story" but I will survive.
Again thank you,,

dathephap says:

gosh this is so much work, im a lazy and very unorganized person lol

Taylor Brown says:

I love this video, I've been wanting to start couponing or my family! An you explain it perfect! Thank you!

Olivia H says:

1:36 lol HILARIOUS

Olivia H says:

Can't wait to start couponing! Haha I love how the scissors just moved onto the table at 1:36 😀

Lynn M says:

Thanks so much for attending to my question, Amber…but what do you do at the store…tear them apart to give to the cashier? I still am a bit confused…which isn't all that unusual…ha ha

Amber B says:

It just keeps them all together so you don't mix them with all the other coupons – that way when they expire you can pull all of them out 🙂

Lynn M says:

Today, I bought the 'tool's you use and am excited to start clipping.
I do have a question…i still don't understand your purpose in stapling the coupons…could you write and tell me? thanks so much!

Lindsay Holsclaw says:

thank you so much for sharing! this is a great way and i am excited to do it. When you staple your coupons and getting them ready for your shopping trip, do you take the staples out before you get to the checkouts?

Samuel Walls says:

Ultra crazy

Tyndal Lanny says:

get it click

tammy vermillion says:

how do you get coupons and were do you get them

mai A Vang says:

where can i get coupon?

STARSH!P: Creation Platform says:

I GOT UR REPLY – Yeah, no its cool, I LIKE your info and have even put it into a how-to video playlist for couponing that I'm working on to learn how..

I was also admiring the table itself and have worn down/out a few workstation surfaces in my time too! lol
Much respect.

TECH TIP says:

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find more coupons : topcouponhot

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