How to Create a Coupon Code in Amazon Seller Central

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**Download the Step-by-Step Guide to creating a coupon in Amazon Seller Central here:

In this video, I show you how to create a coupon code in Amazon Seller Central.

Coupons are a great way to drive traffic to your private label product listing, and Amazon even creates its own landing pages specifically for products offering a coupon!

**Download the Step-by-Step Guide to creating a coupon in Amazon Seller Central here:

You can watch the video on the website:



Grace Richardson says:

how long does it takes before the coupon shows up?

fitAlittlebit says:

can you have more than 1 coupon code for a product. does Amazon provide what code was used. thank you in advance

Andy says:

Thanks very much. Just finished creating my very FIRST coupon thanks to your detailed video. Really appreciate the content!

Aditya Gupta says:

as an amazon seller is it possible to create a specific code of like 90% off (not visible to general visitors) only for those who have received it via email or any other medium like fb messenger. etc?

Gabe Romero says:

Is this the coupon that appears as a green banner next to the buy box? Thanks!

marc fendel says:

Thanks so much! Great video..

Mike Hyland says:

Great advice as she really sells online through Amazon Seller Central. Good way to move out excess FBA inventory before paying storage penalty fees on items over 180 days

Diane says:

is there a reason amazon's first start date for coupon is 2 weeks from today?

Expert Tuts says:

Please share you fb id I can add you I need a help

Aaron W. says:

Do you recommend using this method to launch products or other 3rd party like VL to start?

Neetu Aulakh says:

Great video Megan. Does it help in the beginning when you actually need reviews? Does Amazon object to it or not?

iman quack says:

Keep up the good work! Xo

aziz zaid says:

Thanks for the video

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