How To Deal With Aggressive Code Review Comments?

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How To Deal With Aggressive Code Review Comments?

If you work for some company writing code, you’ve probably dealt with code reviewers. These code reviewers aim to find flaws in your code, usually with the objective of improving and making the overall system works better.

However, this is not always what happens.

Sometimes, these code reviewers are complete idiots and they tell you nothing that matters. They don’t make efforts to provide a decent feedback and, end up being complete bastards. So, what should you do in these situations?

How should you handle aggressive code review comments? Watch this video and find out.

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Hustada says:

We always do 2 devs and 1 QA on every story. Unless its blatant and obviously wrong, comments are always written as "suggestions" or possible alternatives. Which, in most cases, they should be in my opinion.

Neil Nand says:

I'm thankful that I've never met another developer who is like that, upper management is a different story.

Pedro Mercado says:

Can you passive aggressive comment them back =,(

Szarik1989 says:

a toxic guy, Just leave it

Rush Frisby says:

What are the tick marks on your whiteboard for?

user says:

John would you consider doing a programming video where you film yourself building something in code? I'd love to see you code, we've never seen you do that here. Anyway good video as always 😉 Thanks and good luck for 100k subs. Really love this channel.

Rod Efraim says:

/ *This is terrible programming * /

Felix T-Rex says:

I have worked under some complete dicks. They would go through every line of code and try and performance optimize it. Optimization should be done at the end, otherwise you are dealing with an anti-pattern called premature-optimization.

Joe Attardi says:

What a jerk. And the guy is probably a terrible coder. A prime example of Dunning-Kruger at work.

2LegHumanist says:

This idiot is obviously so self obsessed that he thinks every personal coding preference that enters his head is objectively the absolute best possible way of coding. That actually demonstrates a profound ignorance.

Marco Troisi says:

I had a similar experience in the past, and a blog post came out of what I learnt:

John Ny says:

Gosh…sounds like a real fuckin' dick.

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