How to get coupons easy!, Pixel gun 3d tutorial

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KotaKraft says:

mine shows 50 coupons for 5 guns why does yours show 100 for 5 guns

Stratis [GD] says:

Thanks for wasting my 3000 coins for 200 coupons

Mr App A Plus says:

How much ticket you earn total?

BeastMan PizzaKid says:

Your not a idiot

Shape Shifter says:

You fucking dumbass we all know this we are trying to learn how to increase the 50 to 100 like you. Btw stop fucking studering we can’t understand you

Harambe says:

Here’s the differences
Rare = 50 coupons
Epic = 250 coupons
Legendary = 500 coupons
Mythical = 1000 coupons

KittensAreNotFood says:

Me:let me watch this vid


Just Kaijxnz says:

Ok but what do you do with them

Inzixible says:

I want digital sunrise but I have a little coupons

Diamond Hoe says:

Step 1. Pay the money
Step 2. Get gun with coopun

ABD says:

Bro how is ur guns needed 100? Pls tell me

Mobile dude says:

Totally no rare weapons rhino gun totally not rare

Vortex Weeb says:

Your voice sounds so familiar to a friend it’s scary

Stampixel says:

Yo bro nice kill rate ratio! 🙂

Nellie Sokknah says:

eckodile rifrl

Me: wtf

SUPRemelz Pg3d & more says:

This is how much his said Im an idiot

L4wn says:

100 fσя 5 gυиѕ?!?! ι gєт 50 🙁

Md Hoque says:

You speck bangdesh

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