How To Grunt Properly…Quick & Easy Edible Arrangements! Cyber Monday SALE!

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Serious Inquiries Only (Guys don’t email me to waste my time) Aint nobody got time for that lol

I am just here to help you lose weight and get in shape. I can teach you how to lose weight, get in shape, and maintain a fit lifestyle =)

Posting a little back and bicep workout video. This is me at the gym just making gains 🙂 I am always asked to make HOW TO videos like HOW TO BUILD MUSCLE or HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT…etc

Let me know what you guys think of the video as a whole 🙂 TO REQUEST VIDEOS COMMENT BELOW OR ON MY FACEBOOK PAGE

For FREE weightless tips

For Online coaching/Custom workout routines





Thank you so much guys for all the support 🙂



ClaraFreeSprit F says:

lovvveeherrrr #baddestarmy💚💅💪

No Hope For Humanity says:

hey baddestxo can you do more food vids. i love eating but i wanna keep it low calorie and i need more food ideas

Eindgv says:

I'll rather taste you.

Mason Leonel says:


O R says:

how is it possible to have so many vids and not 1 sub?

Logans Run says:

You remind me sooooo much of my best friend in junior high. My parents said she was a bad influence. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

tiggersrevenge says:

Makes me happy to see someone like you out here. Shooting the shit with you on IG and here on Youtube. You're legit lol. Real, genuine and 100% Marjan. Makes me hold onto hope that good, non-asshole, people still exist out here.

Kane A says:

u have a nice ass

Banseh Naeim says:

Lmaoooo at the 50 cent song at the end

Linda Rosas Arzate says:

I need some of those in my life right about now #hangry lol

Twalk Da Hulk says:

Good Job on this vid, Check my stuff out also! ☺

Devone Gibson says:

Nice and juicy lol

Berto Vanwhervin says:

Chocolate covered you 😍😍😍 lol now that would a perfect snack

Thomas Cawley says:

Lmfao @ you suggesting to use a potato.

jose chirino says:

babygirl i need you in my life lol

Cee Dub Fitness says:

You're gorgeous as fuck xo

Debbie George says:

You could also put these on skewers. Then put the skewered fruit in a vase.

Bighit772471 says:

Got skillz in the kitchen. Nice!

Vince G says:

Would you ever consider going vegan?

Julian Mirelez says:

definitely gonna try em out!

King A. Lion says:

"Tell me that hoe ain't gonna be happy"

Fucking died right there! Dead!!

Heart Of A Hippie says:

Yep. It's official! You're amazing! We've been chatting on IG and through email and you seem so genuine. Much love from Dallas! PS: where are you from?

cloudOFmalevolence says:

good job Marjan! the beginning was funny.

nagone11 says:

Shit makin' me hungry yo!

Coscuization says:

awesome video

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