How to make a coupon organizer

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I purchased the supplies at Walmart for under $20.00. Step by step instructions on how to put it all together.


Granny crafting says:


Terri Harrison says:

Your welcome. I'm glad they help you. let me know if you have any questions.

Heather Ryan says:

Thanks Terri! Your videos are some of my favorites… Heather – SavvySisterVideos

Terri Harrison says:

Sorry, it wont let me post urls here. Go to CouponTerri dot com

Terri Harrison says:

Go to CouponTerridotcom and click on the printable coupons page

Rikki Gisele says:

what is your printable coupon site

Terri Harrison says:

Thank you so much. I like it too when its short and sweet and to the point.

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