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This deal may not last very long! Stacking promotional discounts and coupon codes is a rare occurrence. Often times companies want us to get a great deal to persuade us to shop and send offer great promotional offers or send us the odd coupon here and there. However, a deal like this is hard to come across. Often times deals like the one I am going to show you in this video are glitches, and by that I mean the company never intended for us to be able to stack all these deals together in the same transaction, so these truly are RUN deals because you never know when they are going to end.

Currently we have a fantastic deal on certain grocery items from Amazon.com’s Prime Pantry. If we buy 5 products included within this promotion we are given $6 off our entire transaction. In addition to that many of the items within this promotional offer also have digital coupons that we can clip on the product listing before we add the item to our cart. Promotional deal + stacking multiple coupons… that’s what you call an insanely good deal.

And what more could you ask for? Many times shipping and handling on otherwise free deals is our biggest barrier when it comes for grabbing a bargain. In this case its $5.99. But I’ve got you covered on that as well. Simply sign up for a free trial of Prime Pantry currently running now and you’ve bagged yourself free shipping as well! Just make sure you cancel the subscription before the 30 days is up.

What does this great deal include may you ask? Well there are so many ways that you can change this deal up. The best out of pocket deal I’ve found? $1.30 for 5 products. That’s just over $0.25 per item for full size products. Check out the video to see exactly what you need to add to your own cart to get this AMAZING deal and I offer an alternative. Get experimental! There are so many different items that you could add to this promotional offer. Products with lower initial prices with big coupon discounts are going to score the best potential out of pocket.

Whats even better? Can it get even better you ask? Well it can. If you want to duplicate the exact order again have your spouse, partner, friend or relative repeat it on their accounts. Otherwise you can mix up the deals each time by interchanging some of the products to get the most out of this deal. Just make sure you split your transactions up into 5 products at a time within the ‘Buy 5 get $6 offer.’ And remember, whilst you have the free Prime Pantry trial you can make as many FREE ship orders as you wish, so make the most of it!

Oh and while I remember why not shop through eBates or TopCashBack to get cash back to even further lower your out of pocket?

Have any questions? Don’t hesitate to drop it in the comments below so we can all help each other out.


Michelle says:

I just tried to place an order. I signed up for the free trial. During checkout, I was charged $5.99 because my order was under $10 dollars. Shipping was not free.

Ann Zamora says:

Is this still available?

The Queen of Savings Channel says:

Could not get the glade or the Mac and cheese for some reason it was not available for me 😢🤷‍♀️ 5 items for $3.17 not as great as your order but I guess I saved 🤷‍♀️ coupons never work for me the way they work for other ppl 🤦🏽‍♀️ lol I could send you my order and Mabey you can figure what I did wrong ?

drummer says:

thanks Steph

iBeGaming2 says:

Do you have to already have prime use pantry to get the $6 off shipping??

Patricia Snyder says:

Thank you a bunch ordered 10 orders. Did not realize it until it added up fast. But less then 40.00 for 50 items for items we need and will use can not beat that. But when you also realize you did it so wrong and could have saved an extra 10% off on top you really kick yourself in the butt. Thank you saved and saved a bunch and enough for 8 work meals is also huge savings.

Virginia Allen says:

Hi, does the Buy 5 get $6 come off after you finish check out.   Mine is not showing up

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