Maplestory: Special Beauty Coupons- ToyDualer Plays Aran #3.5

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Today, I try out some special beauty coupons on my Aran! How do you guys think I did? 🙂

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● Music: Zelda OOT – Lost Woods Remix


Steve Huynh says:

Bro i really like it xD

Brandon says:

How do you get the beauty coupons?

Kristy Do says:

it took me FOREVER to get a good one for my Thunder Breaker like 100 almost

DarokiPlaysLeague says:

Your so lucky i got really really really mess up hairs and eyes

Ameya Shahane says:

Should I Join Again ?? Is the game still dead ??

Andy Ceballos says:

Just keep that and do it on other characters!  :3

Ron Balin says:

FINALLY some 1 play aran 😀

June Lee says:

How many mesos does your character need to be given to be considered "funded"?

Teror Lumi says:

i dont rlly like it change it

AlfieZ says:

I don't know if u have done this before but could you make a meso guide?? It's really hard to make money for me but I always want items in fm but it's too much money Thx

Robert Yang says:

It's nice but do beauty coupons for different characters!!!

Phantosis says:

I was wondering where do you get that hat?

Fezz says:

I like it XD

Boshi Doshi says:

The lost woods bgm <3
Nice choice!

Gijs Schouten says:

Just train and farm coupons at the same time for possibly something better

Piggy Ooki says:

You can get bed time hair!

Kousuke says:

Evan hair plox :3

John Mungons says:

Your avatar looks super sexy! Don't change it! lol, anyways I'm excited that your summer is here! Yay more videos! Are you going to make eunwol?? 🙂

ShariNgan McCyka says:

I like this !@!

Foxovan says:

that's nice don't change it 

Kenny Liang says:

I like it Toydualer please don't change the hair!

Eugene Park says:

Yay I was first

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