Minecraft Admin How-To: Coupons [FREE]

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Pretty sweet and easy coupon/voucher plugin that would work for giving your players anything.

Sounds: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Sound.html

Effects: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Effect.html

Intro: The Return – Topmass – www.topmass.net
Tutorial Music provided by Jake and Chris Fleming
~~~~~~Ways to Support~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/koz4christ
Looking for a good server host? http://bit.ly/1aWPFY3
Looking for a network? http://bit.ly/mcfcurse
Twitter = https://twitter.com/koz4christ
Facebook = https://www.facebook.com/Koz4Christ/


Blitz - says:

Great tutorial as always. Can add a lot to a simple server!

Stjernebark says:

Good vid, im back. 😀

Warped Nova says:

Can you do a plugin tutorial on GUI Banner?

DrMC Detective says:

TrainCarts please? 🙂

Prince Wabisuke says:

Koz, please do a tutorial for myz, I need a tutorial for my server, I don't know what I am doing when it comes to that plugin

iiRkrz says:

please interview Pex builder .

Shan says:

is there any way to make a prison auto rankup system like for example every block you mine you get xp and then when you hit the limit of xp for the rankup you get automatically ranked up its like extremecrafts ranking system i really want to add that to my prison server any help with that would be great!

Nick Pemberton says:

Please do CommandSync, I am having trouble with it.

mastergameslord says:

I been watching your server videos they are awesome and also i like your hats
must of your videos you show a server called MCFRIENDS what happen to it seems not to work

Jelly_Fish MC says:

Hey man, setted up a bungeecord server but i don't know how to sync all the permission files, like the permissions of factions will be the same as in lobby or minigames

Hayden Reed says:

Awesome tutorial! I've been looking for a plugin exactly like this! Thanks so much! I love your vids! 😀

Modern Mango says:

Hi Koz,

i have been working and putting countless hours into my server (like everyone else that makes a server).I have watched all of your tutorials on plugins. I use pex, titlemanager, essentailschat, essentials, and other misc plugins. I am looking for a plugin that would allow players to change the color of their name in-game (purchase it) and the color or their name would show up in the playerlist (like if they purchase a blue name their name would be blue in the playerlist). I would also need to let them change the suffixes as well as it would show up next to their name when they chat. On my server i will not be selling ranks, Just perks, name-colors and suffixes and keys. Right now my server isnt using bungee but i plan to use it in the future as i plan to add more gamemodes but at the moment its just factions. (still setting factions and other things up)

i hope you can help.
My server is combocade.mcpro.io

– ModernMango (QueAquatic in-game)

Gianluca says:

Oh, this was a surprise

Khmer mcpe says:

Shader you so good

Ardentcrest says:

Great to see more tutorials coming out. Hows the little one 🙂

ETOltabot2655 - Minecraft says:

Hey Koz4Chris!! Can you please do how to turn your current server into a Bungee Cord server

JoshPlayzyt says:

please do a spawn protection pluggin video and/or ranks!

Noah says:

Please do Prison Cells! It is $5.99 Here is the link to spigot but you need to be signed in to see it. LINK: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/prisoncells.4508/

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