My Stockpile! How To Save Money By Stockpiling Food With Or Without Coupons!

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Ann Eckhart
PO Box 4083
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ABOUT ME: My name is Ann, and welcome to my YouTube (formerly called SeeAnnSave)! I am a writer, blogger, YouTube creator, bargain hunter, Ebay seller, and Walt Disney World fanatic. I am also a pug mom and a caregiver for my dad.

DISCLAIMER: This is not a sponsored video. Everything shown was purchased with my own money and all opinions are my own. Links may contain affiliates/referrals.


Too Blessed To Be Stressed says:

Campbell's soup is $1.25/can around here so I go a little nuts when they're $0.50 each. I went really, really nuts when a local store had them on for $0.33 each. Even the cashiers were amazed at that price match! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Youniqueely Me says:

Thanks +SeeAnnSaveย  ๐Ÿ™‚ I'm looking forward to starting my stockpile. When my flatmate left I had to cover his rent til we got a new one so we our pantry got really empty. ๐Ÿ™‚ Its a pity in New Zealand we don't have coupons like in America and other countries. thank you for the tips

hellen hussman says:

im new at couponing and I love your stock pile

SuperGirl1970 Carver says:

my rich (defined as still having a job) sisters buy from my (unemployed) stockpile. Cheapskates, do your own couponing.

Super Daddy says:

u can buy a higher spectrum light bulb a 6500 k or higher blue spectrum bulbs at wal mart they cost the same price and look like natural light and will get rid of that red tint when you record videos plus they will save on your electric bill they are the little twisted bulbs but I would buy atleast the 100 watt equil bulbs

apexdjs says:

I would recommend a larger stockpile definitely. At least a year worth preferably 2 years. Better to be overstocked than understocked. I only buy when I can get a deal.

Vicki S young says:

I think your stockpile is just right. Such organization I am so impressed!

Ann Eckhart says:

I am hoping to get a freezer this year so I can stockpile more. Right now I just have a fridge with bottom freezer and it doesn't hold much.

Ann Eckhart says:

Thank you so much!!!

BABA SAM says:

i really enjoyed this thankyou for putting it up, i have gotten some great ideas from you ๐Ÿ™‚

bonnie beme says:

I have been doing this for years and spend so little for my groceries now. I freezer is a must for meat and cheese sales.

Ann Eckhart says:

Thank you!!!

Ann Eckhart says:

Exactly! I haven't done a major grocery haul in awhile. I just pick up a few things each week as needed or if there is a fantastic deal.

c arwood says:

Great info. It is so nice not to have to run to the store, when you shop this way you're never out of anything.

Ann Eckhart says:

I make fudge with the marshmallow fluff – recipe is on the back of the jar! ๐Ÿ™‚

Ann Eckhart says:

Thank you for watching – glad you liked it!!

Pamala Meyer says:

Great stockpile!!

detodounpoko2005 says:

thanks so much for this video really help me a lot u r awesome girl

Ann Eckhart says:

Thank you!!!!

Ann Eckhart says:

Every little bit helps! $1 pasta sauce is my stock up price – when I see it for that, I load up!!!

Ann Eckhart says:

Thank you so much for watching!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

NoodenWickels says:

Love your videos…thanx for sharing!

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