New Printable Coupons- 11/5/17

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1. Go to
2. Scroll down to the post “New Printable Coupons- 11/5/17”
3. Then, click on the link that says “CLICK HERE”
4. All of your coupons will be selected and they are ready to print.

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Christa Coupons says:

Before you even responded I did a video and did not put any links in the description except Ibotta and sure enough that video is the only one that hasnt been demonitized…thanks and good luck 🙂

Christa Coupons says:

Personally I think if you're making money and you obviously are from people printing off of your site I think the value is greater for you to have the link in the description box unless you're doing this because of demonetization all of my videos are being demonetized actually a subscriber of mine sent me your video and told me to watch it because I mention not putting links in my video the other day so I was just wondering if you would share that with me?

Christa Coupons says:

Hello I obviously also have a YouTube channel I'm wondering why you're not willing to put the link in the description box I also put links in my description box and I do know that YouTube will not promote your video as much if you're sending people off of YouTube. What I was wondering is if you are doing this because of the demonetization?

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