PayPal Coupon Code for PayPal Standard

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In this screencast we’ll look at how to add a coupon code for your buy now button. This is not a feature supported by PayPal Standard, but is possible by combining the PayPal Standard discount amount and a little PHP scripting.


asfafaf fawfawfa says:

this looks ugly

The Trojans Club says:

what is the correct weblink to the project? that info on the video is outdated and i think the owner of this account doesnt even check his messages anymore

zubair uddin says:

How can i get paypal security code on my email address rather then cell phone? Because tried but i can't get on my email. i am getting only on my cell phone. I have a genuine business account i don't wanna bypass process or other thing to do it. Please anyone can help me.

Cipriano Mauricio says:

This link is dead:.
You have a new one? Thx!

Wild Swan says:

Thanks!! Just what I needed

Ideas Para Emprender says:

Hi I tried with your method but dont work already. Do you have a new video about?

Shilyn dela Cruz says:

Can you do this with an "add to cart" button?

La Rana Design says:

Very nice, thank you so much!

Niles Black says:

What happened to the video at 5:45

Beauty Games says:

having truble

lecquio says:

I want to add vouchers to my moodle site.
with this, do I need to change the code everytime I need to change discount for a course?

Christian Mortensen says:

This, apparently, doesn't work in WordPress. After multiple attempts to make it work, the php tags in the middle of the html cancels out the entire code. Bummer.

TheWorldVideo2 says:

i only need $5.00 this is works?

Bryan Wachs says:

Can you create a Coupon code for Subscription buttons? If so how?

Thiago Dos Santos says:

best supplements only at iHerb with better discounts with 20% off coupon SGW188

TheOfficialSvengali says:

Someone drop me a Discount Code please, ANY 1 🙁

Heather Lentz says:

How do we link the php to the button on our webpage in wordpress?

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