Qv 7/10/14 Homemade bread,Jam, and cheap purex!

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Hello youtubernites! 😀

I am pleased to announce that I fixed my printer and actually have been suprisingly in the mood to coupon again! ( yeah yeah I know I was throwing a hissy fit because I couldn’t print coupons lol) But anyways, I plan on going out Sunday and having another vlog up as well. In the meantime, while I was being a cry baby potty pants about the dern printer, I have been busy working on clean wholesome eating. I now make my own tortillas and breads, buns, rolls from scratch as well as homemade jam and even spice mixes like ranch and cream of chicken soup mix! Isn’t pinterest a wonderful thing??!!?!?!? Anyways, Here is the vlog hope you enjoy!




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