Restaurant Marketing Ideas – Email Coupons

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Restaurant Marketing Ideas – Email Coupons
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Email coupons are another great reason to have an email newsletter for your restaurant. It has been proven that sending out email coupons can increase the number of times a customer returns to a restaurant. Diners simply love getting “deals” so your customers would be more than happy to receive a coupon discount or special offer from you in their email inbox from time to time.

Offering coupons and other special discount offers will help your customers pay less attention to your competition and more attention to you.

Here are some simple rules for success with email coupon marketing:

Try different types of offer over time (eg discount / free wine / free starter etc) and track the results of each so you know which offers work best to bring in the customers.

Do not bombard your email subscribers with message after message. I’d suggest once a week at the very most or you’ll find some subscribers leaving your list.

Set an expiration date on the coupons to create a sense of urgency.

For help with setting up an email newsletter for your restaurant, see my Maximum Impact system at


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