Salvage Grocery haul under $35

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TeacherTeacher says:

That's amazing! Wish there was one near me.

Kate Merrill says:

"I paid $49.99.. so uh, under 35 bucks!"….What?! Lol!!!! Where did you learn to do math!?

Lisa Palmer says:

Great video!

How I'm Doing It says:

Great haul! Loved how your store has $1 boxes full of surprises!

Allison Anne says:

I really enjoyed your video Katherine. I also just subscribed šŸ˜. Your video is easy flowing and informative. Honestly, i enjoyed your entire video from start to finish. Other videos from people on the same topic were very boring and all over the place. Your channel is a hidden gem. Please continue to make more videos. Kuddos and hugs!!

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