Save Money on Groceries | EASY GROCERY HACKS, TIPS & TRICKS

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🔸THRIVE MARKET: Thrive Market is an online shopping club offering some of the world’s best wholesome, organic foods, and products at significant discounts. Committed to making healthy living easy and affordable for everyone, the company donates a free membership to a family in need for every new paid member. Get up to a $20 credit when you join!
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Tips & Tricks to Save Money on Groceries | EASY GROCERY HACKS Today we are talking about how to save money on groceries. Food it in the 3 highest items in the average person’s budget, along with housing and transportation. If you can master saving money on food you are well on your way to saving a lot of money and hitting your financial goals! This is a huge passion of mine and something that I have become very good at. I only spend $100 per person a MONTH on groceries. In this video, we are going to cover topics on meal planning, meal prepping, how to roll over ingredients in your meal plan, how to learn sales patterns

If you want to dig in even more I have a COURSE that launches TODAY! In the course, it comes with a full 15-page workbook with printables, my excel budget to track your spending plus over 30 videos on how to save money on groceries. In a compact, all in one place guide. You can sit down and go through the entire course in under 2 hours!

DISCLOSURE: Some of the links on this page are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase and/or subscribe.
I am not a financial advisor. The ideas presented in this video are personal opinions and for entertainment purposes only.


Boo Jay says:

Honestly this video was a waste of time, you talked a lot about certain diets, but your videos supposed to be about saving money.

John Murray says:

A lot of great information, thanks!

Kim Roddy says:

ya the "Thats fine" answer……*rolls eyes. I'm always like so thats fine as in yes that sounds good or thats fine as in no I dont want that but i'll eat it….. I'm just like thats fine is not an answer….. argh lol

Darenn says:

starting meal planning. we had everyplate sub for about a year during the harsher times of the pandemic. but we are buying a house, so i need to condition myself now. also, i need to get into couponing again.

mind maze says:

Im pregnant cant work cant get unemployable or the county and groceries are expensive

Aplacador Family says:


Shadow Man says:

Mine is difficult because, I have a rare condition (won't go into details), that doesn't allow me to eat most foods and whats left I can eat is not always healthy and is really expensive. But my grocery bill is bankrupting me because I am on disability.

Brason says:

Great tips and great video! Stay safe ma’am

Debbie Mabrey says:

I'm single, so its just me to cook for. That isn't a problem for me because I will make a couple big meals on Sunday and eat on them for dinner all week. Salad and yogurt for lunch. Only coffee for breakfast. Snacks are my problem. I budget 300 a month for food (including eating out once a week). I almost never spend that much…but now I'm trying to be more intentional about my spending. My goal is to get it down to 200. Gonna try Aldi.

Lo Marie says:

I felt guilty about buying the course that I made sure to save $50 from the grocery budget to balance it out lol

Ashley McDaniel says:

In your 100 dollars do you include house hold items? Soap, shampoo, cleaner, toilet paper etc? Just curious we eat oranic as much as possible so its hard to get our cost down. They are getting more and more organic at my aldi now and im super excited! I try to stike a balance between health and cost but it can be so difficult.

Monopoly Money Couple says:

Wow we can barely do 100 per person per WEEK. Were you able to do 200 a month when you were doing keto? We're spending so much on cheese lol.

Yari Rivera says:

I would love tu have a friend like you ! I can seat for hours and watch your videos and take notes and learned soooo much from you! I have been so much motivated to budget and save, etc since I’m watching your videos! I can wait to get the Grocery course and learn even more! Thanks a lot, Kelly!

Modern Day Empire says:

The network effect really plays a pivotal role in the making of our millionaires and billionaires.NETWORKING is there for a long time. When you understand the networking that's the best business ever. plz make a video on an efficient network

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