Similac Vs Enfamil: Which Is The Best Baby Formula?

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It seems so simple, and easy even – but today there are so many choices when it comes to a #formula that it can be overwhelming to know where to start. That’s why we picked the two most #popular #brands of formula and decided to explore them.
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Why Use Formula and For How Long?

The #necessity of formula varies from #family to family. A #mom might be struggling to produce enough #breastmilk and need to supplement, another family perhaps simply did not want to #breastfeed or were unable to. The formula was created to be a source of #nutrients given to a #baby in their first year of life, whether only partial or complete.

Why We Chose Enfamil vs Similac?

The specific brands we chose to explore on the topic of formula were #EnfamilvsSimilac due to their #popularity. They are widely known, and chances are #good that households with #children have come across samples of each in their mailbox at some point. There are many brands and #products available, but these two are constantly paired against one another. We tested #Enfamil’s #NeuroPro against #Similac’s Pro-Advance, as they are comparable formulas with similar ingredients and similar supposed effects on #infants.

Both #EnfamilandSimilac are extremely #comparable in price, varying only by about a dollar regardless of the quantity. #Similac tends to be the one that is more expensive, but they also provide more volume per canister than #Enfamil.


Contains Essential Vitamins
No Added Sugars
Good For Brain & Eye Development

Contains Essential Vitamins
Good for Gut and Immune System
Contains Added Sugars

The Best Baby Formula

It was a close test, but our winner is #EnfamilNeuroPro over #SimilacProAdvance. The baby tested better overall with Enfamil and seemed happier after each feeding with Enfamil whereas Similac left him irritable from gas. With these two specific brands, the price is practically the same for their powdered products making it an easy answer to pick the one that appeases the baby most.

They both have amazing #benefits to your baby, but in the case of this baby, he would probably need to try another product of Similac to see if that agreed with his stomach more than Pro-Advance did. Since Pro-Advance does seem to promote their product as improving gut #health and immunity, their formula didn’t hold up to that for this infant. We also liked that Enfamil NeuroPro did not have any added sugars and did have multiple studies showing improved #learning abilities into their later years of life.

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#EnfamilorSimilac #DifferenceBetweenSimilacandEnfamil #EnfamilNeuroproVsSimilacProAdvance #SimilacSensitiveVsEnfamilGentlease #SimilacProSensitiveVsEnfamilGentlease #SwitchingfromSimilactoEnfamil


Nerrisa Esteban says:

Wt is the difference between enfamil a+ and with d one having nura pro?..

Danica Ong says:

Does enfamil makes baby fat?

Slippery Bob says:

All baby formula in the US is highly regulated, all of the recipes are exactly the same.

Jo Mars says:

Enfamil pay Madan m pou w bay manti

Mamii Swiing says:

Enfamil Gentlease did wonders for my Colic baby boy!! I always chose Enfamil over Similac for both my kids.

Bogoy Lopez says:

I drink both. But em similac all da way.. garantee..

Lesley Taylor says:

One test subject! How scientific!!

Genafe Guarin blog says:

I choose Infamil also A+ premature

Andrew crazy says:

My son those not like enfamil tastes too much of iron , and caused iron poisoning.

Pinky Virk says:

my son don't like enfamil

Vivian Sagubay says:

Thank you so much …I Choose Enfamil also

TaZ505Eriacho says:

I was on similac pro sensitive but there all out everywhere. My son tried the enfimel sensitive. It had a strong iron taste, but overal he seems satisfied. Similac has a thicker powder consistency, light color, higher bubble consistency, smells kinda old milk. Enfimel is a thinner more powder consitancy, the milk is more white, less bubbly, & dont stink as bad….

Sharon Dela Cerna says:

My grand daughter loves Enfamil.. Thank you for the info..

zalisha seirallie says:

My child drinks similac sensitivity.. it helps with gas and her stomach.. Enfamil tasted too much iron. She didn't like it

John Williams says:

Video Starts at 1:30 your welcome

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