Stop and Shop Weekly Deals October 19 2018

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Here are my weekly Stop & Shop deals

Fetch Rewards -Join with a referral code and start off with $2.
Fetch Referral Code: N6NYP

Checkout51 – Join with my referral code and earn an extra $5 once you redeem!

Join ibotta with Referral Code: 9qvD2g and be added to my team! We will work together to reach the bonuses!
Click here:
Or Referral Code: 9qvD2g

NEW TO MY POINTS? Here is my referral code:

NEW TO Swagbucks? Heres my referral code:


Michelle Cimino says:

couldn't find the 1.50 promise land coupon either.. i went through and it directed me to facebook and i found a bogo printable.. if it is still available would love some info or link.. thanx..

Pissipoo says:

What state do you shop? I have noticed the store deal prices varies by state.

El Sands says:

When did S&S start allowing ecoupons and manufacture coupons?

hurrayic says:

I'm thinking that my S&S doesn't allow an ecoupon and a paper coupon on same product anymore? Do you know of any policy change?

lulzime86 says:

Hello!!! I went to the Promised lank milk website, and i dont see the 1.79 off coupon. All i see is a $.55 off 2 😭

Elizabeth Alfaro says:

Thank you have nice day liza

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