Swiffer kit & refill $1.75 before tax at Dollar General// SWIFFER DEALS ARE OVER

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Using the $3 off $15 survey coupon all 5 items for $2.69 after tax.


Faith loving grandbabies says:

I love you DG videos but it never works for me I'm not sure why

Alma Moreno says:

Is this deal over. I just tried to get it and swifter mop with dog rings up at $10

K Nadine says:

Go head Dawn ! your another one that's bad with it. keep on doing the darn deals. We luv it.

Gloria T. says:

The swiffer 16ct. are on clearance for $4.50, Will the dg coupon still work for the clearance item?

laura cummings says:

thanks so much I'm new to couponing at Dollar General you are so helpful thank you so much

Madeline Gonzalez says:

Worked out GREAT thanks ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

S Thompson says:

I followed also and it worked!!

brenda wolfe says:

I'm too excited, I followed ur deal exactly and my subtotal was 1.75, thank u

ALittleBitSmall says:

I need to look for this tomorrow thank you for sharing

Celines Rodriguez says:

Hi dawn I have a question.. i noticed on my dg app I have multiples of the same dq.. like I have 2 of the $3/1 aveeno & 2 of the $3/1 neutrogena dq.. do u think if I bought 1 aveeno lotion both aveeno dq's will attache to it??

maria diaz says:


New2 Coupons says:

You bringing us a lot of good deals this week

claudia hernandez says:

I love your vids!!

Venessa Talbert says:

My 3 off 15 didnt come off from the Capri sun and toated pastries deal. I used the 5 off 25 and the 3 off 15 including the digitals. Everything came off except the 3 off 15. What do you think went wrong? I did the survey and uploaded them to my phone. She scanned it and nothing happened. She even scanned the other 3 off 15 and nothing happened. Do you think I lost both coupons?

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