Utah housewife Jordan manages to only spend $1400 a month for her family of five by rationing everything and asking her neighbors for their leftovers. Stream Full Episodes of Extreme Cheapskates: https://www.tlc.com/tv-shows/extreme-cheapskates/ Subscribe to TLC: [More]
Americas Best Value Inn in Marion, VA Welcome to Americas Best Value Inn Marion. Tucked away in the mountains of Southwest Virginia and conveniently located between the Roanoke Valley and Bristol off of exit 47 [More]
Annette Economides – The mom of America’s Cheapest Family shares 5 ways you can slash your grocery bill without clipping a single coupon. It’s common sense stuff that most of us have forgotten. Recorded 8.24.07 [More]
Moe’s Southwest Grill has unseated Chipotle as America’s favorite fast casual Mexican restaurant. The news comes from a Harris Poll survey that assesses how people feel about certain restaurant brands. This year, Chipotle didn’t even rank in [More]